Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rolled the dice, got snake eyes...

I was playing the waiting game for my security clearance reinvestigation to come back before dropping my retirement paperwork. I just got snake eyes. I get to go to Kosovo for 6 months. Great. Guess I will take my camera and see what I can see there. At least the AF will pay my house payment while I am there. I can put in my retirement paperwork at any time, so I have more time to wait for my PR to close out. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision to wait for my clearance to get redone. I'll try to make the best out of it.

Tell your Pookie that you Love them and Make a nice day!

Monday, July 06, 2009


We are in the house now. Been doing all the little chores that makes it ours. Little pond out front, a door bell, painting the bedroom, redoing the master bathroom. All the fun little things. I am heading back to Alabama in a few hours, maybe then I can get some rest... :D

Hope everyone is doing well.

Make a nice day!