Friday, September 30, 2005

She's gone

Well she got most everything tshe wanted moved out today. I guess that was her birthday present to herself. One of the first things she wanted to do was exchange the coffee pot that I got her. Figures. I had to tell one of the guys that I work with what is going on so that I could ask him to help move her stuff. He has a truck. So now I guess people at work will figure out that something is wrong. One of the benefits of working where I work, if you ask someone to keep something a secret, they prety much do. There are a few who can't keep their mouths shut, but they are known for the most part, because all it takes is once, and people won't tell you anything. I was having a pretty hard time not crying while we were moving stuff. After all the big stuff was done, she came back and showered since she doesn't have everything set up over there yet. She asked me to carry her nightstand out to her car without removing the drawers or stuff in it. I don't think so. I opened it up and started pulling stuff out, and a bunch of the jewelry that she said she was going to put in a jewelry box for our daughter was in it. Hmmm. I set it aside and kept going. When she saw that I had it set out, she got pissy with me about anything she could think of. Then she told me I should just go through her jewelry box since all that she had is what I gave her. I told her that wasn't what I wanted. I want her to sit down with me for 15 or 20 minutes and go through the stuff and set aside the things that she never wears and doesn't like. I should probably mention that when I went to the desert I spent alot of money on gold. If I were to tally up what all the jewelry is worth it would be at least $15K. Most of it is 18 or 22 karat also. There is also a bunch of family heirloom stuff that my mom gave to her. I was told to specifically get the heirloom stuff back. So anyway, when she was leaving she asked what time I was going to go tv shopping. I told her I would probably head out about 9 am. She got all mad, and then started giving me a hard time. Hell all I wanted was to take her car so that if I found something I could get it home without having it delivered if that is even available. I don't think Wal-Mart delivers. Then she got mad at me because she might want to sleep in. WTF?! Her last words to me were, to call her before I come over. How about if I go over and swap cars and don't bother to even knock on the door? I got my own keys, and if she thinks I am going to give them up while I'm still making payments, I don't fucking think so!! Well this was supposed to be a quick little update, but I am getting pissed off again so I better go. Find a fuck buddy and have a good time!!

Some days

Something my mother-in-law sent me yesterday.

Good guy?

So my soon to be ex-wife tells me that I am one of the good guys, and that I will make some woman very happy. If I am one of the good guys, then why doesn't she want me? Did she decide that she wants a bad boy? Or did she start to play for the other team? Why doesn't she love me anymore? Sorry, I am just having a bit of a rough morning. Today is her birthday, and before I left for work this morning my daughter wanted to give her the gifts, so we did that. She at least told me thank you and I got a hug. Not just a quick one like she has been giving me, but an actual hug that lasted a minute or so. I forgot how nice that feels. Now I am even more lonely. She is supposed to be moving stuff out today. She is trying to borrow a truck from someone. I told her that I didn't want any strangers in my house. Period. If I am there it is one thing, someone wandering around my house with me not there is something else entirely. And she is taking the console TV. I have hated that thing since the day we got it 10 years ago! Just because it was a console it cost more than a regular TV, so we got a smaller screen. So I need to go TV shopping either today or tomorrow. And I'll have to get something to sit it on.

It is strange this morning. I feel happy, but I also feel depressed. What is going on with me? Am I feeling good because I got a hug this morning? Am I depressed because she is leaving me? Am I happy because she says I am one of the good guys? Where does a good guy go to meet a nice girl that I can take home to mom? Do I go home to small town America and see if I can find one there? Do I hang out at the beach and become a bitter, lonely old man?

I guess I better quit. I keep asking questions and I don't know if there are any answers. Tell someone how much they mean to you and make a nice day.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Well she signs a lease for an apartment today. She says she is going to start moving tomorrow. Which also happens to be her birthday. I don't know how I feel about it. I will be happy that I don't have to get hurt by her coming and going, but I will be sad that I have failed in that aspect of my life. I went to the legal office yesterday to try to figure out how much child support I should pay. The lawyer I got opened my eyes some and gave me some information I didn't know. I assumed that since we were married for more than 10 years she would get half of my retirement. Turns out she would only get a little over a quarter. Which is still more than she deserves. As far as the child support goes, if we go with shared custody which we are trying to do, and I don't agree to a dollar amount each month the judge will look at how much time our daughter will spend with each of us and it looks like I would only have to pay half of what the state says the full amount should be. That is if he even awards any child support at all because we would be doing shared custody. Which is 50/50. Do I want to be an asshole? No. Am I tired of being used? Yes. I get the feeling that she will drag her feet as much as possible on filing for divorce, because she knows that the amount of money she will get from me will drop drastically. I have to support her to some degree still because the military says I will support my dependents. I don't know what I will do in a house by myself. It isn't even worth cooking for one person. The nephew is going to stay with me, but he is hardly ever home. He is still young enough that he can go out and party all night. Funny story about him. The other day he was eating lunch at Wendy's before he went to class, and these two hot chicks come in. When he was finished he started out the door and they came up and asked if he could give them a ride back to school. He said sure, thinking that they were FIT students also. When they were in the car and he was heading toward school he asked what they were majoring in at FIT. They then informed him that they didn't go to FIT, they went to Melbourne High School. Needless to say when they wanted his number so they could call him to go party he didn't give it to them and tried to get them out of his car as fast as possible. We got a good laugh about that. So now he only talks to women in bars that he knows has a doorman checking ID's.

Why is it that we can have people all around us, but yet feel so lonely? Any females want to come visit for a little while? Make a nice day.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sad and Grumpy

Last night before I left for school, my wife told me she might be late. Thats kind of like, "I might be going to jail." Whatever. School last night was pretty good. The instructor put off Thursdays quiz till next Tuesday. It will be the last quiz and if I do well enough on it I won't have to take the final. The girl that sits next to me in class asked me what I was taking next semester, but since the school isn't offering speech I am not taking anything. So I ended up telling her that I wasn't taking anything because I was going to deal with my divorce. Up until then I haven't told hardly anyone that I am having marital problems. I guess I do a good job hiding it, because the few people I have told have been stunned. Its always a wet blanket. So I went home. I ended up doing a load of laundry, because the hamper was full and my daughter needed some clothes for today, I finished loading the dishwasher with the dirty dishes my wife left in the sink. Not just a couple, but a full sink. Then I had to wash the non-dishwasher safe ones and start the dishwasher. I also made my daughters lunch, because, big surprise here, my wife didn't do it. By then it was time to put my daughter to bed. After I finished getting her in bed, I checked my email, and folded the clothes that I had washed. I left them on the couch for my wife to put away, and then went to bed. I didn't put the blanket and her pillow out on the couch, because I forgot. So I guess its a good thing that she didn't come home until quarter of 6. I know this because she came in the bedroom to get the blanket and pillow after I heard her close her car door and try to sneak in the back door. She failed to get her pajamas though. Too bad. I got up and got my coffee then went back to the bedroom. I watched tv while drinking my coffee. When I started getting ready for work I locked the bedroom door. Call me petty, but I wanted some privacy. When I was getting dressed she tried to come in, but it was still locked. I made her wait until I was dressed then let her in. She then had the nerve to ask me if I wanted to brush my teeth before she got in the bathroom. I told her I didn't care, but I would be brushing my teeth and finishing up. So needless to say I am still feeling hurt this morning so therefore I am grumpy as well as sad. Make a nice day.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Well I finally got her to put in writing what she was going to pay in exchange for what I am going to help her with. When I asked her about it, she started in on how I was trying to make this a nasty divorce. I told her I was trying to protect myself and if she thought her word was good enough then it shouldn't matter to her to put it in writing. Then I asked her why every time I brought something up that would be beneficial to me, she accused me of trying to make things ugly. I asked what she would do if our roles were reversed. We talked a little while longer, then she pulled out some paper and started writing it up. I pushed it and asked if I could get some "after" pictures so I could at least look at what my $9000 paid for. She wasn't willing last night. Hmm. Maybe when she needs something else I can get them. :) I know, I'm a pig. So what. Those babies cost more than my car! I want a damn picture at least! Well I tagged a few people last night since I got tagged, now I am waiting to see who responds. Other than my knee killing me on the run at PT this morning, not much is going on here. Just being bored. Tell someone you love them, and make a nice day!

Monday, September 26, 2005

I got tagged!

I've been tagged by Jessica.

1. Do you try to look hot when you go to the grocery store just in case someone recognizes you from your blog?

No. Plastic Surgery costs too much.

2. Are the photos you post Photoshopped or otherwise altered?

No. You get the plain, unadulterated truth.

3. Do you like it when creeps or dorks email you?

I haven’t been that lucky yet!!

4. Do you lie in your blog?

No. I don’t post names though.

5. Are you passive-aggressive in your blog?


6. Do you ever threaten to quit writing so people will tell you not to stop?

No. I write for myself and try to keep it entertaining for those who wish to read it.

7. Are you in therapy? If not, should you be? If so, is it helping?

I’m not in therapy, although I probably should be.

8. Do you delete mean comments? Do you fake nice ones?

I delete spam. I don’t think I have had any mean comments. Some cut pretty close to the bone, but they were only being honest.

You can fake your own comments?

9. Have you ever rubbed one out while reading a blog? How about after?

No. I keep hoping though!

10. If your readers knew you in person, would they like you more or like you less?

I honestly don’t know. I hope they would like me more, but just don’t know.

11. Do you have a job?

Yes I do.

12. If someone offered you a decent salary to blog full-time without restrictions, would you do it?

Depends on what a decent salary would be! Sometimes it is hard enough to come up with a daily post. Maybe I would.

13. Which blogger do you want to meet in real life?

Probably Tacogirl and Jessica. Christy is happily taken, so I have to leave her alone!

14. Which bloggers have you made out with?

In real life? None.

In fantasy? Tacogirl and Jessica! Together. For a reaalllyy looonnnngggg time!! :)

15. Do you usually act like you have more money or less money than you really have?

I have never had money, so I don’t know how someone with money would act. So I just act like myself.

16. Does your family read your blog?


17. How old is your blog?

10 months. I started it to use as a diary to help get through this part of my life. So far it has helped a lot.

18. Do you get more than 1000 page views per day? Do you care?


If I didn’t care I wouldn’t have put a hit counter on it, now would I?

19. Do you have another secret blog in which you write about being depressed, slutty, or a liar?

No. This is where I put everything.

20. Have you ever given another blogger money for his/her writing?


21. Do you report the money you earn from your blog on your taxes?

How do you earn money from blogging?

22. Is blogging narcissistic?

I have no idea.

23. Do you feel guilty when you don't post for a long time?

No. Although I get sort of grumpy sometimes if I can’t get something off my chest.

24. Do you like John Mayer?

Not particulary.

25. Do you have enemies?

I try not to have any.

26. Are you lonely?


27. Why bother?

Because it is helping me deal with issues in my life.

I'm tagging...

TacoGirl, Christy and AVE

Weekend Finish

I'll try to finish my update that got lost.

So I told her that I would see her around 9. She asked me why I said that, so I told her that I had learned that whenever she told me a timeframe that she would be back, that if I doubled it then that would be an accurate time for her to return. She got a hurt look on her face and I went back to what I was doing. She left then. My daughter wanted me to take her to play at the park, and also meet her friends at the park. So at 6:30 we rode up there. She played with her friends for awhile and I noticed that a few minutes after 7 my wife turned down the rode to the house. I didn't bother leaving a note or anything, because I figured she wouldn't be back before we were. It actually surprised me that she was home close to the time she said she would be. The other mom's that were at the park were, talking like women do when they are alone. They keep forgetting that I am around because I am usually pretty quiet. They were talking about sex and who wasn't getting any. I wanted to jump up and tell them I'm not either, how about getting together for a little while? I didn't though, because there were kids around and also, because that isn't the type of person I am. So then one of them noticed that my wife was walking up to us then. Hmm. Guess she saw our bikes up there or something. So she gets in on the fun with the girls. After about a half hour it is gatting too dark, so I called my daughter and we headed home. My wife stayed and talked to the other moms for a few minutes. So later on when I went to bed I noticed that my wife had put her pajamas on like she was going to bed instead of going out. Turns out she did stay home. Surprise. I decided to mow the yard before I went to church so I got ready to do it and my wife told me that she was going to make breakfast. Surprise #2 for the morning. OK. I went out and mowed the yard in record time. When I came in I expected her to have made something. but she didn't. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised about that. I went back to the bedroom to shower and get dressed for church, and she was shaving her legs. She seemed surprised that I was done already, and said she would wait to shave her other leg after breakfast. I told her to go ahead and finish because I needed to shower and get ready for church. She could make breakfast after she finished. Worked out that way. She overcooked the eggs, but the toast and grits was good. She said she was going to the beach while we were at church. When we got back I decided to go for my bike ride. As it turns out I have only been riding 16.5 miles, so I added another 3 miles or so my route. It still only took me two hours. When I got home, my wife was gone, so I asked my nephew where my daughter was. Turns out she was actually with my wife. Surprise #3. We worked on homework the rest of the day for the most part. Dinner time, we had just sat down to eat when her cell phone rang. She got up from the table and went outside to talk to whoever called. We finished eating and cleaned up. I left her dinner on the table. By the time she got back to it, I'm sure it was cold. Her fault. We put our daughter to bed and I did my chores then went to bed myself. Actually I watched tv in the bedroom, and fell asleep. Around 10 my wife came in and woke me up because she turned the bathroom light on so she could see. All I saw at first was her butt in panties right in front of my face because she was bent over picking something up. Next time I saw her she was in pajamas again and was getting the blanket and pillow to head for the couch. Hmm. She actually going to stay at home? She left her purse in the bedroom too, so I assumed that she was. Surprise #4. I went back to sleep and slept fairly decent. I bought one of those body pillows so now I have something to keep my back warm. Not as good as the real thing, but it works for now. So that pretty much gets everyone up to speed on my weekend. Lots of fun and excitement. Not. What a boring life. I'll talk to you all tomorrow.


Well this weekend wasn't bad overall. I came home from work on Friday and started on my homework. My wife was doing hers as well. After a half hour or so, she said she was going to go to the beach to study. Yeah right. She said she would be back in time for dinner. If we wanted to eat early I should just call her. At 5 pm I called her cell phone. It was busy. I called back in five minutes. Still busy. I called afew minutes after that, it rang, then I heard a click and got a dial tone. WTF??!! So I loaded my daughter up and we went out to dinner. As we are turning onto the main road, my wife turns into the subdivision. I waved at her and kept going. My daughter decided what restaurant she wanted to eat at and as we parked I called my wife on the house phone and informed her of where we were eating and that her daughter wanted her to eat with us. Needless to say she chose not to. My daughter kept hoping she would come in though. Saturday morning I got up and my wife was gone. She left sometime during the night I reckon. I had wanted to go for a bike ride but she wasn't home by 9 so I took my daughter shopping for my wifes birthday. It is this Friday. So we went to Wal-Mart and the base exchange. She got her a pretty little knick knack. I actually decided to get her a bed in a bag thing. It has the sheets the pillow cases and the comforter all in one, and a small coffee maker. Yeah I know, I'm a stupid F@#$%^. I can't help it yet. Besides, it helps to give a little stability to my daughter. My wife was there when we got home. I did some more homework, then about 2 I decided to go out for awhile just to get some air. I went out through the garage and my wife was in there at the laundry area. I told her I would be back and she looked at me. Then I left. I came back about two hours later. When I came in the bedroom, my wife said to me, "You could at least tell me you are leaving!" Oh no! I told her that I did tell her I was leaving and that she looked at me when I said it. She started to argue about it, but I cut her off and told her that she hardly ever tells me when she is leaving anymore so what is her problem? Later after dinner, she comes into the kitchen and tells me that she is leaving and will be back in a couple of hours.

All right, Blogger is pissing me off! I typed everything in and tried to post it then it tells me I got to sign in. Then It didn't post anything and I went back to my post and had to recover it. Then this is all that there is. I had typed for an hour on this thing. I was current up to this morning. I don't feel like typing it in again. Maybe I will add to this later when I have some more time. Make a nice day.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Quizilla 2

Balanced Dragon

You are in balance with nature and your self. Your
soul and you heart are steady and you are very
thoughtful. You are wise as the Dragon, who
have seen the beyond.Your wings is the power of
your soul.

What is your Spirit Creature ?(Mythical creatures Pics!!)
brought to you by Quizilla


Your power is: Time Control

Explanation: You have the ability to
freeze, push forward or go back in time. In
good purposes it is used to prevent bad deeds,
and the opposite for evil purposes.
As a person your emotional level has been on
hold. For one reason or another emotions has
reduced and now you aren't so full of life. And
of course, this does not sadden you since you
could care less. Sometimes though you can be
hit by emotioal waves inside but you block it
all out. You don't search for something that
could make you happy since you have no hope in
that area any longer. People probably see you
as annoying because you're not involved and
just stand there. You probably don't have that
many friends either, and you feel like you are
with them because that's what you normally do.
You stick to your habits and don't appreciate
Negative aspects: One day all emotions
are gonna surface again, and that day will be
very painful. Instead it is more wise to start
up the emotional level bit by bit, so it won't
come as a big shock.

What Power is Compatible With You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Well its Friday and I get off at 1500 today. It isn't raining either. I actually had a good enough sleep last night that I got woke up by the alarm this morning and didn't want to get out of bed. I had a nice email from a friend with a couple of questions to answer. Just fun stuff. So I answered them and asked some myself. My class last night got cut short because the instructor got mad because no one would give him the answer he was looking for showing that most people didn't read the homework. He works here in the building also so I am going to go talk to him about it. In case I don't post this weekend, I hope you all have a nice weekend. Make a nice day!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Another day

I had this whole post planned that I was going to write. Now I can't remember any of it. I think I am starting to suffer from CRS disease. So anyway, today is still blah because it is gloomy out, with the possibility of rain. Lovely. Yesterday I got home from work and my wife was in the bedroom with her homework all spread out on the bed. I had reading to do for homework as well, but no where to do it. She was in the bedroom, it was raining outside, Sponge bob was on in the living room. I finally sat down at my computer desk and tried to read there. I managed to get through 2 sections before dinner. After dinner I cleaned up and figured that since my wife wasn't back in the bedroom I could go read in there. I get in there and start to move stuff out of the way so I could sit down and she comes in. She wanted to know what I was doing. Um hello? This is my bedroom, you gave up any right to it when you started cheating on me! I didn't tell her that, but I damn sure wanted to. I guess I am too nice for my own good. I told her that since she wasn't in there I wanted to sit down and read my homework. She said that was ok with her as long as I helped her by going through her homework "flash cards" with her real quick. Umm wait a minute, "it's ok with her" ??? Why can't I just blow up at her and tell her to go study on her bed? Oh wait, thats the damn couch in the living room! Yeah I'm definitely too nice. So after about 30 minutes she stops doing her studying and goes out to her computer. I stayed and read my homework until bedtime. I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. I know I feel like shooting someone, but it isn't her, and I don't know exactly who it is that I want to shoot. Not that I ever would, but that little voice in my head is starting to get louder and meaner. I do know that I am tired of sleeping alone, I just want to hold a woman who wants to be held. Even if it is just for a night. I need to find a "friend with benefits" that people keep talking about. Anyone know where I can find one? Make a nice day!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Not good

I'm not having the best day so far. I woke up and it is yucky and rainy. I can't seem to shake this feeling of being so damn lonely now. I wish I could think of something to write. Make a nice day.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Well today will be a short post. Not much happened last night. My daughter had questions for us about who was going to get what. When she asked who was getting the couch, I told her that her mom HAD to take that ugly thing. That couch is pretty damn ugly too! My wife likes it though. Tan and purple cross hatched pattern. Yuck. So this morning after PT I was looking at some stuff and trying to figure out what I wanted to keep. Tough questions. Who gets the coffee pot? Who gets that lamp? What about the microwave? This could be a big damn headache. I hope ya'll have a good day. Make it a nice one.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Weekend Update

Well I guess this is my weekend update. I know I posted a short one on Saturday, so I will expand just a bit. When we were discussing things Friday night we were talking about me paying off her car and then signing it over to her. She wanted some reassurance that I would continue to pay for it and not stop making the payments. I told her that since it was in my name I would be stupid to screw up my credit that way. Then I told her that she better not be counting on her getting the money from the car payment after it was paid off. From the way she reacted I think that was exactly what she was thinking. She got mad and said I didn't have to say that, it was just plain mean, I'm a bad person, etc... Oh well. I felt that it needed to be said, and from the reaction I'm sure it did. So on Friday night my wife said she didn't think she would be going anywhere and put on her pajamas and went to sleep on the couch. She stated that she may go to some yard sales in the morning but she would be home by 10 am at the latest so I could go for my ride. Her best friend called about 1030 pm so I had to go take the phone to her and wake her up. Then I went back to bed. I got woke up about 6 am Saturday morning by my daughter making noise and watching tv. Why can kids wake up so early on the weekends, but during the week it is a serious pain to get them up for school? So anyway I got up and went to get my coffee. The wife was gone and the blankets were all stacked up nice and neat. Her contacts were still in the bathroom so she had to be wearing her glasses, therefore she left in the middle of the night. My daughter wanted to know where momma was, so I told her that she probably went to some garage sales and would be back soon. I have come to the realization that if I want to know what time my wife will be back or how long she will be gone I need to double whatever time it is she tells me. So instead of her being back by 10 I figured she would be back around 12 or 1. I was close, 1230. She did call around 1130 to say that she found a bed and was getting it tied on the roof at that time and would be home shortly. She asked if we wanted lunch from somewhere and I asked where she was so I could figure out what she was near or would pass by. She told me vaguely where she was and I suggested a place with a drive thru. Then she said she didn't have the money and didn't want to drive around with the stuff on the roof of her car. Whatever. So I fed my daughter lunch and waited for her to show up. She finally shows up and I help her unload the bed. I finally went for my ride around 2 pm and got back about 4 pm. Lots of things to look at. It was a nice ride. So later on my daughter was asking why momma got another bed, so my wife decided to finally tell her what was going on. She wanted to tell her when she was alone instead of together with me. I still wonder why she wanted to do it that way, but I stuck to it and told her that we needed to both be there. She finally gave in and we told her that we were separating. She had lots of questions, and asked her momma the same questions I asked her. Of course she wouldn't answer them. But there was a lot of crying on her part, and we reassured her alot that it didn't have anything to do with her. We stressed that she would spend equal time with both of us. She is taking it better than I thought she would. In church yesterday she decided that she didn't want to sing with the choir, and just sat with me in the pew and snuggled up. After church I decided to go for another ride. It got shortened because I ran over some thorns and got two flat tires. F%^^&$*@((!!!!! I hate walking and pushing a bike with flat tires. I only had to walk a few miles though. My wife cooked dinner and then we went to our separate corners again. After we put our daughter to bed, she got ready and left. What a lovely day. At least I know that she will be moving out soon. Or at least I hope she will. She is planning on getting an apartment that she looked at so maybe shortly after we move into the new house. Time to go I guess. Make a nice day.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Well last night wasn't much fun. Suffice it to say we argued about things. I don't really feel like going into it, but some of it wasn't nice. I don't usually post here on the weekend, but I was looking at some comments and figured I might as well type something in. I think I am going to go read some porn stories or something. Maybe I will take my daughter to the beach even though she doesn't like it. Make a nice day!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Phone calls

Well yesterday wasn't too bad. I got home from work and no one was home. Our daughter started art club yesterday which is after school so my wife was up there picking her up. I started on my homework reading so that I could be done with it before class last night. They got home a little after 4 and then my wife tried to decide what to make for dinner since there was limited time before I had to leave for school. She ended up doing the breakfast thing for dinner which was good. She actually made me an omelot. I was surprised that she took the time to do it. I wonder what she has up her sleeve. So anyway I got to class and the instructor showed us our tests from Tuesday. Turns out I didn't fail it. He gave partial credit on most everything, so I made an 88 on the test. Whew! I was worried about that one. When I got home, my wife was sitting in my chair working on her homework, so I didn't bother her, just went into the bedroom and put my stuff away. Then went and checked email and got my chores done for the night. We put our daughter to bed and then I went to bed early. I didn't bother putting her pillow and blanket out either. I didn't care. I was asleep when she came in and turned the bathroom light on at 930. Woke me up, so I was a bit grumpy about it. Then she finally left. I was sleeping all nice a good when the phone rings at 1130. Turns out it is my best friend from high school. My mom had talked to him yesterday morning and informed him of how my life is turning to shit. He wanted to know when I would be coming back home. We talked for probably twenty minutes before his wife reminded him that I am an hour ahead and that I was probably sleeping when he called. It sure was nice to hear from him. I guess I am going to have to take leave and go up and see everyone at home. Thing is, I hate cold weather and don't really have the clothes to go during the winter, and summer time there is just too much eye candy around here to want to go anywhere else. I guess I could go up when it is cold and fantasize about Tacogirl. :) So after I get off the phone with him, I managed to get back to sleep and then at 1210 the phone rings again! I got called into work. Lovely. The nephew was home so I just text messaged my wife to let her know I wouldn't be home if something happened. I figured she would go home, but I figured wrong. I got back home around 0120 and managed to crawl back into bed and fall asleep yet again. I woke up 2 minutes before the alarm went off at 0500 and started getting ready for work. Damn this morning sucks. I am so tired. I may see if I can skate out of here early today because I got called in. So far that has been my day. Except for a coin check that got called this morning. I had my coin so I don't have to buy. :) Good thing, since I'm broke! I better get to something that resembles work. Make a nice day!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Check out the email I got this morning. I have never met this person so I am pretty sure it is a scam. I know if I Google the email address it will come up with information about this being a scam. Something to lighten my day before I delete it.


How are you doing? I have found your email in Internet and decided
write to you. My name is Ekaterina. I am 27 years old. Live in Russia,
city Kirov. I am cheerful woman, for an entertainment like to do many
things as sports meets, a camping, go to the cinema, theatre etc. In a
word I like to do all that all people. I work in marketing structure
on sale of cosmetics Oriflame. I have good life here. I not the rich
woman, but can provide myself. I like to travel. I travelled to many
countries. Never was in the USA, but I think that this good place to
live and be happy. I know the English language well enough. I began to
study professional English language several months ago and I do
successes every day. Several months ago I started process of
registration of the visa to travel in the USA. Now my visa is made
practically out and in 2-4 days I can travel in the USA. I have
received holiday from work till November, 20 and now I have a free
time. I can take trip to some countries, but as the visa to visiting
the USA already practically in my hands I prefer to take trip to the
USA. It is interesting to me look what life there. Now I am in Moscow
and I wait reception of the visa. I could fly in the USA in some days,
but there is a problem which stops me. I planned to fly in the USA
together with my girlfriend, but unfortunately her plans for trip in
USA have changed and now I do not know what to do. A problem in that
that I cannot fly in the USA because I know nobody in your country. I
cannot fly to the country where I know nobody and consequently I have
decided to write to you the letter. Possible It will be sounds silly
but if you are interested a meeting with the nice woman, I shall like
to meet you sometime soon! I never got acquainted through the Internet
before but as my girlfriend cannot go in the USA together with me I
decided to find the man which is interested in a meeting with the girl
from Russia. I do not know your ideas about my letter, but it would be
fine if we could meet and have some weeks together. On my trip I want
to receive rest from my work and a life in Russia. Also the basic
purpose for the future is search correct men for serious attitudes
which go to a marriage. I have no children, but I want to have
children in the future. I the mature woman also am ready to creation
of family with correct the man. I do not know what you really search
in the future but if we could meet I shall be happy to discuss with
you more about our meeting. Please, write what your purposes and plans
for the future? What you search in a life? What are you going to do
this autumn? It would be fine if we could meet, do friendship or more
than simply friendship. I shall be happy if you also have a free time
and we could meet soon. I do not know your interests, but anyhow write
to me back and I shall tell to you more about myself. Write to me all
that you want. Probably we have similar plans and the purposes for the
future and it will be interesting to us together.

I have easy character and you can write all that you want.
Ask any questions which interest you.
Write back and I shall tell more about myself and I shall send
some my photos.

Please write to me back to: ekaterina_xxxxx@xxxxxxx

Have a good day,

How many people think its a scam? I do, I do!!

Just another day

Well yesterday was ok. I went to the trough for lunch and pigged out. I needed a nap after lunch. When I got home from work, my daughter immediately started complaining to me that her mom wouldn't give her the money to buy a book at the school book fair. As I was changing out of my uniform, my wife informed me that she was taking our daughter to Books a Million to get a book and had an appointment to get her haircut also. She had an appointment at lunchtime, but the girl rescheduled it for later. I asked my wife why and she said she didn't know, but she didn't act pissed off like she would normally. I figure she either rescheduled it herself or forgot about it and had to reschedule it. Whatever. So she told me they would be back abour 5:30 and left. I went to the beach for about an hour, then came home and started on my homework. About 4:45 they got home, so I went ahead and started dinner. I wasn't going to start till about 5, but figured I might as well. After dinner I took my book outside and read for an hour or so until the bugs started to bother me, so I came in and went to the bedroom to read. A few minutes later my wife comes in and wants to tell me about her Biology stuff that she has found on the internet. I tried to ignore her without being rude, then she tried to make a joke about looking at squirmy things under the microscope and maybe she would blow some guy before class so she could swab her mouth and see them move around. I didn't laugh, then she got upset and kept telling me that it was just a joke. I told her I didn't really give a shit anymore because she had crossed the line some time back. She tried a few more things to get me to make her feel better or whatever, but I went ahead and ignored her then. After we put our daughter to bed I did my chores and went back to the bedroom and continued reading. She came in about 9 or so and got her stuff ready then told me she would be back. I ignored her. After she left I couldn't remember what I was reading so I gave up for the night and went to check all the doors. She left the garage door and the back door unlocked. Why can't she seem to be able to lock the doors? Or is she hoping someone will break in and take care of her problem (me)? I guess I need to start checking all the doors from now on.

Side note, the friend of mine who is in Baghdad is safe still. I got worried yesterday and emailed her to see if she was ok. She claims she is fine.

Time to do something about work. Make a nice day!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Well I can honestly say that algebra sucks!! I bombed my test last night, and since the test last week I got a 65 on I think I'm not going to make an A in the class. All I need to do to get credit though is a C. I would prefer toget an A but I just can't seem to get the word problems figured out. I don't have much to post today. I talked to the nephew last night about moving out and getting a place together. He said he could do that. I just want to be prepared for when she moves out because I doubt that I will be able to stay in base housing. As much as I want to. So between me and him we figure that we can afford about a $1000 a month easy enough. That will give us both something left over as well. Now I just have to figure out how long I will be in base housing.

I am so hungry today too. I had a sandwich for lunch and a sandwich for dinner yesterday. My stomach was growling when I went to bed last night, and really growling this morning. I reckon I should eat a good lunch today. Chinese sounds like a good idea. Go to the trough and belly up. I'll just need a nap afterward. Make a nice day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Well last night was fun. After we put our daughter to bed my wife left again. At least I don't have to put up with her when she is gone. Unfortunately our daughter had a nightmare around 0345 this morning. She came into the bedroom and woke me up then asked for momma. I told her she was on the couch so she went out to the living room. My wife wasn't there. So my daughter came back and asked where she could be. I told her I didn't know because I wasn't going to lie to her and tell her what my wife told me I should tell her, which was that she went to Wal-Mart. Yeah I didn't think a 9 year old would believe that story either at that time of night. So I had her tell me about her nightmare and told her it would be alright, then got her back to bed. I don't know if my daughter asked her where she was this morning or not, but I know she will probably ask her later. I wonder what she will tell her.

I have been giving some thought to what tesco has said. I know she is taking advantage of me and I am starting to push back. I told her that she needed to put on paper what bills she was going to pay and what she was going to do to help me out when she left. Then she keeps adding stuff to the list that she wants to take with her. I'm starting to argue those things with her also. It looks like if she has her way I won't have anything but my chair and the bedroom suite my grandfather left me. That ain't going to happen. I told her that if she didn't give me that list before she moved out, I would cancel the allotment going to her account and then she could come see me to get a check for child support. If she wants me to pay alimony then we will be going to court and let the lawyers fight it out. I am starting to lean that way much more heavily anyway. I am tired of being used by someone who was supposed to love me, but instead lied to me. I better quit before I get really bitter and pissed off. Make a nice day!

Monday, September 12, 2005

What now?

Well this weekend wasn't too much fun. Saturday I had to come to work and move a server rack. Whee! That meant that I didn't get to go on my Saturday morning bike ride. I told my wife that I wanted to go after I got home. When I got home she wasn't there, neither was the nephew. As I started to unlock the door the phone started ringing. I managed to pick it up on the 3rd ring. It was my wife, calling to check on our daughter! I looked around and couldn't find her. She wasn't in the living room, the computer room, I looked in her room. No where. I was starting to get upset when I looked under her bed. There she was, sleeping. Needless to say I was extremely upset with my wife. She said I have only been gone a little while. So I asked how much was a little while? She didn't know, an hour, hour and a half. So what is she going to do when she moves out and takes our daughter with her? How often is my daughter going to be left all alone? What is it going to take to get my wife to see that she can't leave a 9 year old unattended for hours on end? So anyway she comes home shortly after that, claims she was "studying". Why can't she study at home? It would have been just her and our daughter. So I got some lunch going and was feeding my daughter when my wife comes in the dining room and says, I'll be back, I'm going to go study. I asked how long because I wanted to go for a ride and she knew it? She said she didn't know how long she would be gone. She would be back when she got back. I lost my temper and told her to just go. I didn't want to hear her, or see her at that point. No consideration for me what so ever! She finally comes home about 4:30. Too late for me to go on a ride since it takes about 2 hours. I was hungry and wanted to eat. Dinner wasn't finished till 6:45. I couldn't go then either because it would have been too dark. Lovely. To say I was not happy is an understatement. So Sunday morning, she leaves to go "study" before my daughter and I went to church, she didn't even tell my daughter to get dressed or do her hair. I think I can see where her priorities lie now. She told me before she left that odds were that she would be home before we were, so I could go for a ride. If she wasn't then I should call her and let her know we were home. We got home and miracle of miracles, she wasn't home! Big surprise!! It was 1230 so I gave her the benefit of doubt, and waited for her to get home. 1:15 she still wasn't home, so I called her. She started to give me some excuse about it, and I told her I didn't care, she just needed to get home like she said she would. She continued talking and I just hung up on her. I was still upset that I had to call her to remind her of her responsibilities. She finally gets home so I left for my ride about 1:45. It was a nice ride, lots of eye candy at the beach to look at. That little redhead was at the beach again, but once again I didn't have the courage to talk to her. When I got home my wife was gone again. Thankfully she had taken our daughter with her. She got home about 5 minutes after I did. I was still trying to cool off before I mowed the lawn. The rest of the day was pretty calm. She grilled steaks for dinner and I worked on homework afterward.When we put our daughter to bed at 8:30 I gave up on the homework for the night, and then checked my email and surfed a bit, then went to bed myself about 9. As I was doing my chores before bed, she walks up and says, she'll be back. I almost said Don't bother, but kept it too myself. I had to get up early this morning, so I was moving around and got my coffee to go after I was ready for work and went back to my room to watch a little bit of news. A few minutes after that my wife comes back to the bedroom and said that she thought I had left, too bad for her. She went back out to the couch. When I left, I didn't even try to be quiet about it. I don't care if it pisses her off or not, she can just deal with it. So that was my weekend. How was yours? Make a nice day.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Past life analysis

Courtesy of Me, aka Christy

Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Borneo around the year 575.
Your profession was that of a librarian, priest or keeper of tribal relics.

Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future.

The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your lesson is to develop a kind attitude towards people, and to acquire the gift of understanding and compassion. Do you remember now?

TacoGirl's 3 Things

Tacogirl wanted me to do this list that she did. It's called 3 things. This could be fun. :)

3 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Go to Amsterdam again
2. Win the lottery and be rich
3. Tacogirl :)

3 things I cannot do:
1. Hold a grudge
2. Swim in deep water without freaking out
3. Find true love

3 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Redhair
2. Pretty face
3. Their perfume

3 things I say most often:
1. Why?
2. Who is they?
3. Fuck off!

3 Celebrity Crushes:
1. Scarlett Keegan
2. Nikki Cox
3. Christina Aguilera (Big tit's on a little frame, and nipple rings) :)

3 people I want to do this list:
1. Diosa of the beach
2. Jessica
3. I would say Tacogirl, but she started this...


Well I feel a little better today. The headache is gone and it isn't raining this morning. I don't really have much to say. I could tell you about my night last night, but nothing interesting happened. Pretty much the same as it has been. I have been trying to keep up with everyone else's blogs, and failing to do my work. I just don't really caare about it right now. I have to write a nomination package for a NCO of the Quarter and also a decoration for the same person. She deserves them, but I am being lazy. Anyone want to write them for me? :) I guess I should start on at least one of them. Make a nice day!

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Does anyone out know what this says? Or can someone translate it? I have had this scroll or tapestry or wall hanging for probably 10 years and have been unable to decipher what it says. I have scoured the internet trying to find the characters and what they translate into, all to no avail. Now I am asking for everyone's help. I appreciate it.

crappy day

I have had such a crappy day, and now I have a headache to go with it. I am going home early. If I can't get rid of my headache I will be skipping class tonight. Take care.

Jessica's Blog

For all of you who haven't looked at Jessica's blog today, go do it!! It definately made my day. I could tell you what she posted, but that would ruin the surprise. Go check it out, it is well worth it!!

Rainy day

This storm Ophelia needs to move on. It has been raining since Sunday I think. It is starting to depress me even more. I was in a good mood yesterday, but today I am starting out in not a good mood. I have been told before that you have two choices when you wake up in the morning. Number one, you decide to be in a good mood, and number two you decide to be in a bad mood. I much prefer option one, but sometimes I just can't seem to make that decision. I guess if I got a hug in the morning from a woman who actually loved me would help. Actually a hug from any woman would probably help. Don't mind me today I am just feeling sorry for myself. Make a nice day.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Well this morning is rather strange. My daily horoscope and Tarot card reading are almost perfectly in synch.

Love: Death
Touchstone: The Empress
Career: Temperance

Your relationship may be heading for a temporary separation, Stephan. This could be the result of taking stock and considering your options. The Empress and Death are in fact encouraging such a step, as a period apart will give you a better chance to put your relationship on a new and more intimate basis. So don’t look at it like a punishment, see it as an opportunity to strengthen your relationship. At work, you fulfill your role with great competence and you’re getting a lot of satisfaction out of your current projects. The combination of Temperance and the Empress predisposes you for working within a team and also provide you with the diplomatic skills to negotiate contracts and other agreements. You are extremely adaptable to new situations and handle everything with intelligence and a good sense of humor.

For now, step back from any outsized expectations and seek shelter where you know your heart is safe. You need space to make sure a life-changing decision is what you want. It's hard, especially because it looks so good on paper, and all your loyal supporters are cheerleading furiously for your advancement. However, you need to make sure that this choice is right for you in the long run, and that may take time.

How strange is that? I don't believe in the astrology thing but I look at it frequently anyway. I always figure it's just some lady writing this to help people feel better about themselves. So is this actually a coincidence? Or is there something to astrology and fate?

I did in fact ask her if the past 13 years have been worth it. She turned around and asked me if I thought it was worth it. I told her that I asked her first, and she said that yes it was worth it. I told her that it was indeed worth it also, I just wished that it wasn't over. We are still friends, and I still get to see her naked! :) I just don't get to touch. :( Oh well.

I am in a decent mood today, even with the tropical storm coming this way and it being rainy. I'll post more later.
Make a nice day!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I wish I didn't have school tonight! Velvet Revolver is doing a benefit concert in Orlando tonight that I would love to go see. But I have school tonight. Crap. Oh well.


Here is a better picture of my wife. No throwing tomatoes either. She is, or was a nice person.


Well this weekend wasn't alot of fun. It started poorly. I had informed my wife that it wasa four day weekend for me incase she wanted to go somewhere and do something together. So Friday morning I had intended to sleep in, but she came back to the bedroom about 0530. Thats fine, I managed to fall baccck asleep. 0615 her cell phone rings. WTF?!! Who calls that early in the damn morning? So she picks it up and goes outside. A couple of minutes later she comes back in and lays down again. 10 minutes later it rings again. Now I'm pissed off. I wasn't very polite about being woken up that early either. She went back outside. In her pajamas. I couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and started my day. We went to a BBQ place for dinner. I can't even remember the rest of the day. Saturday I went for a long bike ride. Then I laid on the beach for an hour or so. I worked on homework the rest of the day. Sunday I took my daughter to church then I went to a wedding in Orlando. I didn't get home till almost 1030 pm. Yesterday my wife informed me that she had found an apartment, but they wouldn't rent it to her because she didn't have a job. So she asked me if I would help her get it. At this point I just want her to get the hell out so I told her yes. She was all nice until after I signed the application form. I don't think she has taken it back yet though, because yesterday was a holiday. Last night after we put our daughter to bed she came in and said she was leaving. I asked if she intended to come back. She said yes she would. I almost said damn out loud, but I controlled myself. She said she didn't know when she would be back but she would. I figured out when I went to brush my teeth that she planned to be gone all night, because she took her contacts case and her glasses. She put the blanket and her pillow out on the couch too. Oh well. I started thinking this morning that it would be a whole lot easier on me if I just went and got a mean lawyer and let him fight it out with her. Probably be cheaper on me too. Anyone know a pitbull lawyer? I wish I didn't still love her. I'm pathetic. Make a nice day.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Ring 2

Well long story short, I got the ring back last night. When I got home from work I made my daughters lunch for school today and made small talk with my wife while she was making dinner and also some Tapioca pudding. I wonder if she was trying to butter me up or something. After we ate, I started on my homework and she did something on her computer. Then she did some of her homework. Eventually she went back to the bedroom to shave her legs. I got to a problem that I needed help with and went back there to ask if she knew when our nephew would be home. She didn't. I walked away then turned around and asked her if she was planning on keeping the ring. She said she wasn't done with it yet and smiled. I informed her that I did not request that she put it on my dresser when she was done with it. I told her that she was indeed done wearing it and she needed to put it on my dresser. She nodded her head. I told her that the way things were headed showed that she did not want to be my wife and in the future if things changed I would have no problem putting it back on her finger, but for now she was done wearing my ring. Later I came back to the bedroom where she was studying her spanish and asked her for help on a problem. She helped me and we laughed and joked a little. We also watched Foxnews and made comments about some of the reporters and how society broke down, etc. Later I went to bed, she was still up doing homework or whatever. She came in the bedroom around 11 and did her routine. When she finished, she grabbed the blanket and her pillow and went to the couch. I overslept this morning and got woke up when she came in and laid down in bed. I guess that was a good enough wake up call. After my routine and shower as I was getting dressed I saw the ring on the dresser and broke down. I admit I cried for several minutes, before I managed to get it under control then go and wash my face. Why is it the little things can tear us up so bad? Tell your special someone that you love them and make a nice day!