Friday, December 28, 2007


Looks like I am a little behind in blogging, but oh well. Quick rundown, last weekend I went to "The Virgin Mary's House". That is the place where Mary supposedly passed away. I took pictures, but I don't have the energy to post them right now. I got a working phone at the apartment on Wednesday and applied for DSL that afternoon. It will be a few days supposedly until I can get my internet working. And tomorrow I am going to Ephesus with a group of people from church. Hopefully I will remember to put the batteries in the charger so I can take pictures. BTW if you want to see the pictures from Mary's House, send me an email and I'll send you the link to them in Snapfish. I'll load the pictures I take at Ephesus there also.

Make a Nice Day!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

City Tour

I went on the Izmir city tour today. There were supposed to be 6 people or so on the tour. Me and one other guy showed up. So we basically had our own private tour of the city. It was a real quick one. It only lasted from about 9 till 1. We got to go inside the oldest Mosque in Izmir. I was allowed to take pictures too. I only managed to take a few before the battery died in my camera. When I get them transferred to my laptop I will post them. The tour guy took us to his favorite kebab house in the bazaar area. It was really good. And the bazaar has anything you could ever want, you just have to find it!! We also rode across the bay on the ferry. Some guy served us chai (tea) when we were on it. It was a very nice tour.

Make a nice day!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Our Wedding Vows


It sucks not having internet at home. I finally found the correct office I needed to go to in order to request telephone service at my apartment. I walked through some neighborhoods that I definitely wouldn't feel safe walking through at night!! So the connection date for my telephone is 26 Dec. After I have a working phone line I can apply for DSL. @#$!@##@ I doubt I will have internet at the house before New Years. Cable internet isn't available in my building, so I'm not getting cable. I can get AFN, but that is just one channel, and I will have to buy a multi-system tv. I probably won't have tv at all. So I guess for the next few weeks I will be spending a lot of time at the club since they have free wireless.
I have been walking everywhere that I can get to without riding the bus. There are places where I have to ride the bus to get to cause it isn't feasible to try to walk there. I had my first issue with the buses yesterday. I was told that if you ride the bus somewhere you can get back on the bus going back to where you came from by just going to the bus stop across the street. I tried that yesterday. NOPE!! Turns out the bus stop I needed was the next block down, but I didn't learn that until an hour and a half later. When I finally got back to this side of town, the Christmas Party had started here at the club so I couldn't get on the internet last night. So I walked back to the apartment. The apartment is very nice, but it is empty. Sure there is some furniture there, but that is it. When I am there I am in my bedroom most of the time. I guess I will get settled in more in the near future.

I hope you all make a nice day, and tell your pookie that you love them!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Picture Time

Well I finally got some pictures downloaded to my computer. I am going to try to upload them so everyone can see. They are unedited, and unrotated, so you will have to do it yourself if you care to.

These are pictures from the base chapel. It is very beautiful. The pictures don't really do it justice.

These are pictures of my apartment. You can see the green room and other stuff. My laptop battery is about to die and I need to start walking to the apartment before it gets dark and the temperature drops even more.

Make a nice day!!!

Saturday, December 08, 2007


This is my second weekend here in Turkey. I need to go wash clothes. I went to the Chapel last night for the Christmas Tree lighting. There seems to be a good group of people there albeit small. I have no idea how old the building is, but it seems pretty old. It is very beautiful though. I have a few things that I need to do today. It was supposed to be warm and sunny. It isn't. It is cold and overcast. I guess I should head out to do that stuff.

Make a nice day!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I have been apartment shopping the last few days. Not much fun trying to find a place to live in a foreign city where you don't speak the language. I finally found one and had the Housing office set up an appointment to sign the lease with the owner. When she got ahold of him, he informed her that he had decided to sell it instead of rent it out. GREAT!! He had another apartment in the same building, on the same floor. Same layout and everything just on the front side of the building. Oh and the bedrooms are painted in some BRIGHT colors. Pink, Fluorescent Lime Green, and Violet. It just so happens that the master bedroom is pink. I asked if he would be willing to paint the master bedroom some sort of white or cream color. He agreed. So tomorrow morning at 9 I get to sign the lease with the landlord. The FMO can't deliver the furniture stuff until the afternoon of the 10th so I am stuck in this hotel until the 11th. I need to get a KentKard for the bus system here. Either that or find someone in that building who works where I do and see if I can't bum a ride from them on a somewhat permanent basis. At least until the weather gets a little warmer and I feel comfortable riding my bicycle that far.

And another thing, why do they eat dinner so dang late around here? It is pouring outside right now and I am starving, but the hotel restaurant doesn't even open until 7! OK enough whining.

Make a nice day!!

Monday, December 03, 2007


I have been here for 5 days this will be my 6th. I feel like everything is dirty here, the streets, the smells. Then I go inside somewhere and it is almost spotless. I guess just like everywhere else I will get used to it. I am going apartment hunting again today. In fact I need to hurry and type this so I can head over to where they pick us up at. I have no idea what area I want to check out, so I am just kinda going along for the ride. I went down to the restaurant this morning for breakfast. It is definitely different. They had honeycomb out on the buffet. If you wanted honey with your breakfast, you literally cut some honeycomb and put it on your plate. I also had some dates, and olives, peeled tomatoes (yes peeled), cucumbers, couple different sliced meats that I have no idea what they were (I didn't ask), pears, peaches, and numerous other things I didn't try. I did have a cup of coffee that I needed really badly. I think it had more caffeine than I am used to since I can't stop bouncing around now. Time for me to brush my teeth and head out into this strange land and see if I can find somewhere that I will be living in the next week.

Make a nice day!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Sittin' part 2

I'm sitting in another hotel room. This one just happens to be in downtown Izmir, Turkey. The plane trip was long. I prayed a lot on the plane. I feel so out of whack. I can't speak the language, and I can't read the language. I was house hunting today and a guy came in the housing office cause he got robbed last night. While he was there sleeping. He lives in the area of this hotel. I looked at apartments far away from here. The one I found that I like is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath. I think it is on the 2nd or 3rd floor. It is in a quieter neighborhood. There are playgrounds without fences. There is plenty of available parking. Even though I didn't bring a car. They have a good security system. If I get it I will post pictures when I can. I guess thats all for now.

Make a nice day!

Monday, November 26, 2007

sittin' in a room

I am currently sitting in a La Quinta hotel room. Mud is with her mama. She cried and didn't want to let go of me. I didn't want to let her go either. I had to though. I want to take her with me to Turkey but I can't. I want to take TG with me also, but I can't. I finally caught her yesterday. Now she is all mine! I'm sure she will post some pictures soon. Her mom recorded it. I saw it. :)

Make a Nice Day!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Time is getting short. I have t0 leave in 2 days. Mud and I are flying back to Orlando where her mama is going to pick her up. I have a hotel room with my name on it for Monday night, and I will be flying out of Orlando on Tuesday at noon. I have to fly through Istanbul where I have a 3 hour layover. I think that should provide me enough time to make it through customs and catch my flight to Izmir. My sponsor just happens to be coming back from somewhere and will be on the same flight out of Istanbul. At least I shouldn't get lost at the airport!

Time for bed. I will try to post more shortly. Make a nice day!

Friday, November 16, 2007


The house is totally empty. It passed the cleaning inspection with flying colors. (I hired a lady to clean it...) :) She was very entertaining. I talked with her almost the whole time. She basically cleans houses now to pass the time. She retired from DEC where she was a computer engineer. Thats what she told me anyway.

So yesterday after I outprocessed the base I went and got Mud out of school and hit the road. I wanted to go straight to TG's, but figured this would be the last time Mud would get to see Granny until I came back. I gotta admit I wanted to see the oldest daughter too before I left. Hard to believe she is in college. Her nickname BTW is Stinky. I know, I'm mean. :)

Stinky has a chihuahua. This poor thing had fleas so bad I had to give it a flea bath. I didn't notice them at first cause they were under her hair, but when I saw one I went after it and then found more. After chasing a dozen fleas I asked Granny if she had any flea bath soap. Off to the sink we went. She was happier after the bath. Smelled better too. Unfortunately now the psychological effect is getting to me and I keep feeeling fleas on me. Where did Granny put that flea soap...

I get to go to TG's on Sunday. I will be there for a week, then I am flying Mud and myself back to Orlando. Flying was cheaper than renting a car and driving. Imagine that! She gets out of school for another day, and she gets to fly so she isn't complaining. I will be getting a hotel room for that night and then flying out the next day. Hopefully everything will work out. Which reminds me that I need to make reservations for the room.

Make a nice Day!!

Friday, November 09, 2007


The house is empty. It is quiet. No computer noise in the background. No TV turned on for noise. Just me alone in this big house with nothing left. The movers came and packed everything up and loaded it on the truck and then drove away. I won't know if it all will make it to my assignment in Alabama till I get there in a little over a year. A year without my stuff. A year that my stuff has to sit in a warehouse. A year where I will be living in a foreign country that has lots of people that don't want me there. Joy. The house is too quiet. I miss Gorgeous. I hope I can get over this melancholy crap soon. The carpet cleaners are coming tomorrow and I still have to pack up all the food stuff and clean the house before Wednesday. I might be able to do it. I have some stuff to do at work on Tuesday, but it shouldn't take too long. I have to go by the Travel Office too so I can find out if they will give me tickets before I leave or if I have to wait until I come back from Georgia. I need a drink...

Tell your pookie that you love them and Make a nice day.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Time is getting short for me. I have just a little over a month left here in the states. Then I have to get on a plane and fly to a foreign land. Oh joy. I still haven't heard from my sponsor. I need for them to contact me somehow so I can have them get me a mailbox. That way I can get all my bills still. Hmmm, maybe I don't really need a sponsor!

I get to see Gorgeous again in two days! :) I am taking the cat herd up to her and getting her moved into an apartment. Then I get to come back and start cleaning so the movers can come pack everything up. Then I have to clean the house top to bottom and pass inspection. Whee.

Not much has been happening here other than that. Just trying to get everything ready to go. I decided to take my bicycle with me to Turkey. Hopefully I will find the time to ride it. Maybe it will be my main transportation. I will have to figure that out when I get there.

Make a nice day!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Is it over yet?

I keep thinking this is a bad dream that the AF is causing me. I guess it isn't. Gorgeous moved back home last weekend so she could start a new job. Now it is back to me and Mud. When Mud spent the night at her mother's a couple of nights ago I got very lonely. I couldn't even make it seem not so lonesome with the TV on and the cats around me. Maybe I'll be one of those old men with a dozen cats and no relatives that anyone has ever seen.

So just an update, I will be putting my next stripe on next week. I certainly need the money! I could stand to win the lottery also. I need to buy a ticket.

Make a nice day!

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Yes I am still alive, just been very busy. I haven't even been checking anyone else's blogs or returning messages. I'll get to it eventually.

Make a nice day!! :)

Monday, August 06, 2007

After Turkey

I found out where I am going after I do my tour in Turkey.






I get to go to the great city of Montgomery, Alabama. I got Gunter AFB. Not Maxwell AFB. I get to go to the little one.

Anyone know of anything to do there? Any must eat at restaurants? Do they have a Hooters?

Anyone got a cheap house there that I can rent for a year or so?

Make a nice day!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


It's been how long since I last blogged? Dang!! Sorry folks.

Life seems to take the strangest turns sometimes. I don't really want to go to Turkey, but part of me is really looking forward to it. People who have been there keep telling me that I will love it. Other people tell me that they wish they were going. My Mom called the other night and asked if I was going to be one of those guys that gets to Turkey and then goes to Afghanistan to teach them how to set up computers. She saw some 20/20 show about that. I told her that I didn't think so. Now she has me wondering. Hopefully I will get a sponsor soon so I can find out more about the job.

What has everyone else been up to? I need a lot of time to try and catch up with everyone's blog.

Make a nice day!

Sunday, July 08, 2007



I have to go to Turkey for a year. I won't be coming back to the Space Coast after that. I am going to have to create a new blog for Turkey. I'll take all ideas for a name for the new Turkey blog. I have a few months before I have to go, so hopefully I can get my affairs in order. I have been advised to buy as many silk rugs as I can and ship them back. Evidently they cost around $1000 over there and can be resold back here in the states for anywhere between $7000 to $10000 each. Anyone know this for a fact? Anyone looking for a new silk rug? What should I look for? What should I avoid? I will be in Izmir, Turkey so if anyone has a friend there that they would trust to sell me rugs, give me a holler.

Make a nice day.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Who, what, where am I?

It has been 2 weeks since I posted last. A lot has happened. I was very busy. I went up and got Gorgeous and moved her down here with me. We got back here last Friday night. We have boxes all over the house still. My stereo got unplugged and her sound system got set up. So did her tv. They are nicer than mine. Yesterday morning after PT, I got a bad email. I got selected for an assignment. A remote assignment. To Turkey. I have to be there no later than 30 November. That sucks. I guess I screwed up when I made MSgt. I can't turn the assignment down for the same reason I couldn't turn MSgt down. I would be a civilian this December with no retirement from the AF after 19 years. So that means I am going to Turkey for a year. It puts our plans on hold for a while, but I am positive everything will work out. When it will work out I'm not sure. At least I will be able to buy more gold cheaply and it gives me a chance to get a silk rug that I have wanted!

Make a nice Independence Day!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I am so tired tonight. I finally managed to crawl into bed and talk to Gorgeous for a little while last night around 2245. About 30 seconds after I hung up with Gorgeous, my pager went off. I ended up having to go in to work to fix an emergency problem because the person who was supposed to make a change to their workstations last month didn't do it. I finally got home at 0115 and crawled back into bed. Then the alarm went off. It sure felt like when I was young and just came home from the club!

The day wasn't bad though. I had to go to a meeting that all the promotees had to go to at 1100 and they even fed us. Then I was back at work for an hour and 45 minutes, then I had to be at the Enlisted Club to get ready for the promotion party. The promotion party was scheduled to start at 1500 but we got started a little early. I drank cokes all afternoon, but there were two kegs of beer and a fully stocked bar. There was also a buffet of snack foods so that people wouldn't be drinking on an empty stomach. Around 1630 I was heading out the door to come home when one of the guys from the office showed up so I took him out to where the beer was and bs'd for a while then we went inside to the bar and found several people from work in there drinking and having a good time. I just sat and laughed and had a good time listening to everyone tell stories. I can finally say that I saw a woman in her 50's shoot beer out her nose unintentionally.

Gorgeous called me while the party was going on so I didn't get a chance to talk to her for more than a minute. I had several people yelling to her that I was being very bad and that I was totally wasted. I was the sober one though. Hehehe. I had a lot of fun laughing though.

I think I am going to go to bed early tonight. Like maybe right after I post this.

Tell your Pookie that you love them and Make a Nice Day!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Movie Junkie Thing

I stole this from Gorgeous. She stole it from ALRO.

Check which movies you've seen, and keep count along the way.

Out of 239 movies: HOW MANY HAVE YOU SEEN??

(x) Rocky Horror Picture Show
(x) Grease
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
( ) Boondock Saints
( ) Fight Club
( ) Starsky and Hutch
(x) Neverending Story
(x) Blazing Saddles
(x) Airplane

Total: 7

(x) The Princess Bride
( ) AnchorMan
( ) Napoleon Dynamite
(x) Labyrinth
( ) Saw
( ) Saw II
( ) White Noise
( ) White Oleander
( ) Anger Management
( ) 50 First Dates
(x) The Princess Diaries
(x) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement

Total so far: 11

( ) Scream
( ) Scream 2
( ) Scream 3
( ) Scary Movie
( ) Scary Movie 2
( ) Scary Movie 3
( ) Scary Movie 4
(x) American Pie
(x) American Pie 2
(x) American Wedding
( ) American Pie Band Camp

Total so far: 14

(x) Harry Potter 1
(x) Harry Potter 2
(x) Harry Potter 3
(x) Harry Potter 4
( ) Resident Evil 1
( ) Resident Evil 2
(x) The Wedding Singer
( ) Little Black Book
( ) The Village
(x) Lilo & Stitch

Total so far: 20

(x) Finding Nemo
( ) Finding Neverland
( ) Signs
(x) The Grinch
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
( ) White Chicks
(x) Butterfly Effect
( ) 13 Going on 30
(x) I, Robot
(x) Robots

Total so far: 25

(x) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
(x) Universal Soldier
(x) Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
( ) Along Came Polly
(x) Deep Impact
(x) KingPin
(x) Never Been Kissed
(x) Meet The Parents
(x) Meet the Fockers
( ) Eight Crazy Nights
(x) Joe Dirt
(x) KING KONG - only the original

Total so far: 35

( ) A Cinderella Story
( ) The Terminal
( ) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
( ) Passport to Paris
(x) Dumb & Dumber
( ) Dumber & Dumberer
( ) Final Destination
( ) Final Destination 2
( ) Final Destination 3
( ) Halloween
( ) The Ring
( ) The Ring 2
( ) Surviving X-MAS
(x) Flubber

Total so far: 37

( ) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
(x) Practical Magic
( ) Chicago
( ) Ghost Ship
( ) From Hell
(x) Hellboy
( ) Secret Window
(x) I Am Sam
(x) The Whole Nine Yards
(x) The Whole Ten Yards

Total so far: 42

(x) The Day After Tomorrow
( ) Child's Play
( ) Seed of Chucky
( ) Bride of Chucky
(x) Ten Things I Hate About You
( ) Just Married
( )Gothika
(x) Nightmare on Elm Street
(x) Sixteen Candles
(x) Remember the Titans
( ) Coach Carter
( ) The Grudge
( ) The Grudge 2
(x) The Mask
( ) Son Of The Mask

Total so far: 48

(x) Bad Boys
( ) Bad Boys 2
( ) Joy Ride
( ) Lucky Number Slevin
(x) Ocean's Eleven
( ) Ocean's Twelve
(x) Bourne Identity
(x) Bourne Supremecy
( ) Lone Star
(x) Bedazzled
(x) Predator I
(x) Predator II
( ) The Fog
(x) Ice Age
(x) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
( ) Curious George

Total so far: 57

(x) Independence Day
( ) Cujo
( ) A Bronx Tale
( ) Darkness Falls
(x) Christine
(x) ET
( ) Children of the Corn
( ) My Bosses Daughter
(x) Maid in Manhattan
(x) War of the Worlds
(x) Rush Hour
(x) Rush Hour 2

Total so far: 64

( ) Best Bet
( ) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(x) She's All That
( ) Calendar Girls
( ) Sideways
( ) Mars Attacks
( ) Event Horizon
( ) Ever After
(x) Wizard of Oz
(x) Forrest Gump
(x) Big Trouble in Little China
(x) The Terminator
(x) The Terminator 2
(x) The Terminator 3

Total so far: 71

(x) X-Men
(x) X-2
(x) X-3
(x) Spider-Man
( ) Spider-Man 2
( ) Sky High
( ) Jeepers Creepers
( ) Jeepers Creepers 2
( ) Catch Me If You Can
(x) The Little Mermaid
(x) Freaky Friday
(x) Reign of Fire
(x) The Skulls
(x) Cruel Intentions
( ) Cruel Intentions 2
( ) The Hot Chick
(x) Shrek
(x) Shrek 2

Total so far: 82

( ) Swimfan
(x) Miracle on 34th street - only the original
( ) Old School
( ) The Notebook
(x) K-Pax
( ) Krippendorf's Tribe
( ) A Walk to Remember
( ) Ice Castles
( ) Boogeyman
( ) The 40-year-old Virgin

Total so far: 84

(x) Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring
(x) Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
(x) Lord of the Rings Return Of the King
(x) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
(x) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
(x) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Total so far: 90

(x) Baseketball
( ) Hostel
( ) Waiting for Guffman
( ) House of 1000 Corpses
( ) Devils Rejects
( ) Elf
(x) Highlander
( ) Mothman Prophecies
( ) American History X
( ) Three

Total so Far: 92

( ) The Jacket
( ) Kung Fu Hustle
( ) Shaolin Soccer
( ) Night Watch
( ) Monsters Inc.
(x) Titanic
(x) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
( ) Shaun Of the Dead
(x) Willard

Total so far: 95

( ) High Tension
(x) Club Dread
(x) Hulk
(x) Dawn Of the Dead
(x) Hook
(x) Chronicles Of Narnia The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
( ) 28 days later
( ) Orgazmo
( ) Phantasm
(x) Waterworld

Total so far: 101

(x) Kill Bill vol 1
(x) Kill Bill vol 2
(x) Mortal Kombat
( ) Wolf Creek
( ) Kingdom of Heaven
( ) The Hills Have Eyes
( ) I Spit on Your Grave aka the Day of the Woman
( ) The Last House on the Left
( ) Re-Animator
(x) Army of Darkness

Total so far: 105

(x) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
(x) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
(x) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
(x) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
(x) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
(x) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
( ) Ewoks Caravan Of Courage
( ) Ewoks The Battle For Endor

Total so far: 111

(x) The Matrix
(x) The Matrix Reloaded
( ) The Matrix Revolutions
( ) Animatrix
( ) Evil Dead
( ) Evil Dead 2
( ) Team America: World Police
( ) Red Dragon
(x) Silence of the Lambs
(x) Hannibal

115 out of 239 movies seen! - SCH

156 out of 239 movies seen! - TG

117 out of 239 movies seen!!!! - ALRO

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Made It!!!

I finally got my invitation to the Top-3 group. What does that mean? For all you non-military types it means that I finally made Master Sergeant, which is E-7 paygrade. I guess the fact that I finally quit worrying about making it let me actually make it. Now all I have to do is figure out what will happen because of this.

Make a nice day!!

Monday, June 11, 2007


The Band - Up On Cripple Creek

This is my 500th post! Never even thought I would post this much. I had to steal a video from MySpace.

Something I have learned through much trial and error, you can choose to passively have a nice day, or you can be active and MAKE A NICE DAY! I hope everyone chooses what is best for them.

I choose to Make a nice day!

Friday, June 08, 2007


They launched the shuttle again tonight. Here is a picture from it. I could hear the roar of the engines for a long time after I couldn't see it anymore.

This is post 499 for me, so I have to think of something special for number 500.

Make a nice day!

Oh Really...

I found this over at Bekah's blog.

You Are An ISTJ

The Duty Fulfiller

You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.
You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knitting.
Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.
Conservative and down-to-earth, you hardly ever do anything crazy.

In love, you are loyal and honest. If you commit yourself to someone, then you're fully committed.
For you, love is something that happens naturally. And you don't need romantic gestures to feel loved.

At work, you remember details well and are happy to take on any responsibility.
You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.

How you see yourself: Decisive, stable, and dependable

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, conservative, and egotistical

Monday, June 04, 2007


TG said she liked this one. She even got the code for me since I can't seem to remember my YouTube password. I hope you enjoy it too.

Make a Nice Day!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

A week or so ago, Lil Bit posted 10 questions for her readers. I was lazy and got busy with life and time slipped by. I had told her that I would answer the questions though so here I am. I already made sure she had them privately since I was unsure of putting a few of these answers in the public domain. I figure why not, I have posted everything else out here. So why not? Remember these are questions that she asked of her readers, and my responses to her.

1. Why do you have a blog & what does blogging mean to you? (Is it diff from when you started? If so, how? Consider stopping anytime soon?)

I have a blog because when I started blogging I was looking for an outlet to vent my frustrations and get everything out in the open without talking to a shrink or a preacher. Now it gives me a way to talk to friends and let them know what is going on in my head and my life. I have thought about stopping, but I still need an outlet sometimes so I keep going. I have stopped blogging as much as I used to though.

2. Why do you read my blog? (If you've been a long-time reader, do you think mine has changed? - for better, worse, or neutral?)

I started reading it, because there was this hot chick that kept posting pictures of herself and then I started actually reading it and got hooked. I still read it, because while the format has changed some, it is still the same hot chick that posted pictures of herself.

3. Why do you think some people regularly read a blog but never leave a comment? Have you discovered a way to bring the lurkers outta hiding or do you care if they comment?

People read blogs but don’t want to comment. Sometimes I feel like I don’t know enough about a situation to leave a comment on it. No and No. :)

4. What percentage of your readers is female and what percentage is male (of those you're aware)?

Not positive, but I think the majority of my readers are female. There are 3 guys that I know of that read my blog.

5. Are there any kinds of posts you wish you saw here but rarely (or never) do?

Full on Nekkid? :)

6. Are you working in the profession you thought you would & are you happy with your job?

No. Yes I am!

7. Are you *completely* happy/content with your life overall right now? If not, why? What do you want to change?

Not completely. TG isn’t here with me yet, but she will be soon! If I could rig the lottery so that I would win and be rich, then Hell yeah! :)

8. What's your favorite color(s) and number(s)?

I like pink, and as Bill and Ted put it, “69 Dude!!”

9. Would you tell me something about yourself that I don't already know?

You already know everything about me!

10. Do you have a secret blog (or can ya tell me? lol)? And if I told you the addy of my erotic blog, how would it affect/change your opinion of me?

This IS my secret blog!! No it wouldn’t change my opinion of you. I would be busy reading for a while though!! :)

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Everybody has questions that they think of after the fact. I want to know what some people wished they had thought to ask before they got married (or attached). TG asked this on her blog a month or so ago, and I figured I would do the same. I'm not talking about what religion, how many kids you have to have type of things. I am interested in finding out the little things that you would have liked to have known before hand. Like the fact that I prefer Irish Spring soap, while TG prefers Dove.

Tell me what kind of questions for little things you would have liked to asked.

Make a nice day!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Karma, why risk it?

I figured out why I haven't been sleeping well the past couple days. I keep tossing and turning and not really sleeping. Karma has been hanging over my head like a lead balloon. One of the things I detest about people is rudeness, and my rudeness towards my ex's new husband. So this morning after a rather energetic outing of Ultimate Frisbee I swung by their house and knocked on the door. When he answered the door I apologized for my rudeness. We talked for about 10 minutes. He is heading back to Iraq on Thursday. I hope he has enough life insurance coverage and put some of it in my ex's name.

So now I feel better about myself since I am not the type of person who likes to be rude. I know that he and I will never be drinking buddies or friends, but at least I know that I have made amends and I hope Karma forgives me.

Tell your Pookie that you love them and Make a nice day!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I just got home. I had to go in to work for a few hours and Mud's mama actually kept her while I went in. I figured I would be there maybe an hour. Turned out I was at work for over 2 hours. When I finally got out of there and went to pick Mud up, I went to the door and knocked. The ex answered it and had the gall to ask me if I wanted to meet her new husband. I politely told her no and she said "Are you sure?" I told her that I was positive I didn't want to meet him. She calls Holly and while I was waiting he came to the door and stuck his hand out to shake and introduce himself. I turned my back on him and started to walk away. I just couldn't go without saying something. I turned back around and told him "I used to have a lot of respect for PJ's. Then you came along." He had a very strange look on his face, but then Mud came through the door and I walked away. Now I am still angry at him. It seems so very stupid of me. I have forgiven the ex for what she did, but I can't seem to forgive him. I must need to go to church more.

I was typing this and got sidetracked while putting Mud to bed. I had to remake her bed and the phone rang. It was the ex. Mud answered the phone and I told her to tell her I would call her back. I didn't. She just called again, it is 10:45 pm. She was mad that I was "Rude" to her husband. I told her that I may have forgiven her, but I had not forgiven him. Maybe in the future I will, but I wasn't there now. Now I am mad again. My hands are shaking. I think I need to talk to a shrink or something.

Why do I even care anymore?

Make a nice day. Somebody needs to.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Mud turned 11 yesterday. I got her a cake. And a cell phone. Somebody please shoot me!!!

Make a nice day.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Done Inked

Remember this post from some time ago? Well I just got back from the tattoo parlor. The cover up looks really good. The tattoo artist did a freehand drawing on my chest and over the old tattoo. It is a stone style dragon. He spent about 30 minutes actually drawing the dragon on me. When he finished it I went and looked in the mirror and was surprised at how well he actually did. There are a few spots that may need to be touched up after it heals, but probably not. It is shades of gray, but if I want to have it colored later on that is still possible.

I do know that I am never getting a tattoo on my ribs or over any bones! He barely touched my collar bone and it hurt like a s@n$3*($#(@!!!! A little later he got close to my nipple and it felt like he was sawing it off. Ouch. I didn't cry though! :) I had forgotten how much tattoos can hurt. I remember now.

So here is the finished ink. Too much black and gray? Let me know.

Tell your Pookie you Love them and Make a nice day!!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Catch up

I had a great weekend! I left from work a few minutes early and drove straight to the airport on Thursday. I got to Atlanta around 9:15 PM. I got to sleep in late Friday because Gorgeous still had to work. We had a very good evening on Friday and on Saturday morning we went to the Ren Faire. It was a lot of fun going with her to the Ren Faire. She can go anywhere and be a lot of fun to be with. We wandered around and looked at everything. We had fish and chips for lunch. I couldn't find any Apple Dumplings though which sucked. Oh well I guess I really didn't need it anyway. I am getting kind of on the husky side...

We watched a couple of shows and some jousting. The sword swallower was a little unsettling when he swallowed a 4 foot long balloon. It popped. He let out a really big burp, which is better than the other option... The Ded Bob Sho was entertaining. If you get a chance to go to his show somewhere I highly recommend it. Make sure you get to be one of the water balloon throwers.

Saturday night was a lot of fun also. She has some really great friends and family. They are the type that everyone should have, but few actually do.

Sunday we went up to Helen and enjoyed the swiss/german/austrian alps city they have. It is a tourist trap but it was fun to go wander around in for an afternoon.

I had to come home yesterday which sucked. My plane got delayed and we didn't take off until 11 PM. I got home at 2 AM, my alarm went off at 0645 and I hit snooze. Then hit it again. And again. I finally crawled out of bed at 0715. I had to rush but I made it to work. A little late, but no one mentioned it. I am definitely going to bed early tonight!

OK, now that everyone is all caught up I guess I need to give you a picture or two to stare at.

The Sword Swallower


The Ded Bob Sho

Make a nice day!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I can't believe I missed out on celebrating my one year anniversary. How could all of you allow me to forget? What anniversary you ask? Thank you Mr. Unicorn in the back row for asking that question. The anniversary y'all forgot to remind me about was one year ago the divorce was final. That was on 17 April. I didn't even realize it until last night as I was laying in bed after telling TG goodnight. BTW I get to see her in 25 hours! :)

Mud is off with her mama in Hawaii for the next week. Her mama is marrying the p.o.s. that she cheated on me with. It is still a little bitty diamond! :D MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!

Make a nice day and tell your your Pookie that you Love them!!

Friday, April 20, 2007


Found this on Tish's blog, and I stole it!

Your Observation Skills Get A B

Your senses are pretty sharp (okay, most of the time)
And it takes something big to distract you!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Shoot me

What do you tell an 11 year old about your social life? It affects them, so how much should they be told? I have told Mud everything that she is old enough to hear. I am sure she suspects more than what I have told her, but she has not received "that talk" yet. At least not from me. I still haven't a clue what to tell her about that stuff. I am dreading the day when she gets her first monthly visitor.

Mud's mama took most of the clothes that she had here, home this morning. Cleaned out my closets quite a bit. Now I just need to get rid of the boxes of old kids clothes in the garage. She still has stuff in my closet that I tried to get her to take. She doesn't have room for it though. And I do? I asked her if she wanted her bike. She says she does, but doesn't have room for it right now. And I do?

I guess thats enough bitching about the ex for today. I'll try to post on a somewhat more frequent basis.

Make a nice day!!

Friday, April 06, 2007

God's Plan?

Sometimes I wonder just what God's plan for me is. 15 years ago I was wondering if I would ever find a woman that loved me. Then on 2 July 1992 I met my ex-wife for the first time. We made out like hormonally challenged teenagers in a bar called FishHead's all night long.

2 years ago I was helping her pack her stuff to leave me and wondering why God would take her love away from me. 2 months ago I was again wondering if I would ever find a woman who loved me. I had a sort of relationship, but it wasn't everything. Then I met TG. I started talking to her to pass the time and before I knew it I was positive I had to meet her face to face and see if God meant for me to love her. 2 weeks ago I found out. If someone tells you there is no such thing as love at first sight, they are lying to you. I have fallen for TG big time. She seems to like me quite a bit as well.

Has this been easy? No. Someone else got hurt in the process, and I regret that very much. It was never my intention to hurt anyone at all. When I started talking to TG and decided that I had to meet her, I was unaware of how much this other woman felt for me. She never told me. She didn't know herself until I told her I was going to visit TG. Since she had been dating and making friends I didn't think I was the one for her, just a very good friend. Things change and people get hurt. I wish I could take away all the hurt and make everyone happy. But I am just a man, one who is not very smart when it comes to women.

Someday I hope I can talk to my friend again, but I don't know how long that will be. I hate to lose a friend. I cherish all of my friendships more than anything. In real life I have very few friends. I don't allow people to get close to me, because I know someone always gets hurt. Being in the military and moving around you always lose touch with your friends. I have friends all over the world, but I never get to talk to them anymore. An occasional email here and there doesn't always cut it. I have friends in Iraq and Afghanistan and other litter boxes on this planet. Will they all come home? I pray that they do, but I know that some will not. How many have returned home in a metal coffin already that I don't know about because I have lost track of them? I pray none.

What is God's plan? I pray to find out every night...

Tell your Pookie that you Love them and make a nice day.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

What to do

What do you do when a friend finally decides they want you after you find someone special? This isn't just a casual acquaintance, but someone who you have spent time with and taken naughty pictures with. They never wanted more than what they gave. They dated others. You comforted them when they were scared. You held their hand and just snuggled with them when they needed it. How do you stay friends, but not lovers? How do you keep from hurting them? How do you keep your own heart in one piece?

I wish I could read minds, that way I could know for sure what goes on in a woman's mind.

Tell someone you love them and make a nice day. 5 Days...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I got some news the other day. Seems as though the ex is going to marry the one she cheated on me with. I kinda figured she would since I saw her wearing a small diamond on that finger. You would think he would spend enough money on a diamond to get one bigger than her previous husband had put on her finger. Nope. Hehehe. :)

Anyway, she told me this cause she wants to take Mud with her to the wedding which will be in Hawaii. BTW that is where he is from, so no, he isn't spending a buttload of money on that instead of the ring.

At first I was hurt, but then I realized that I had been praying for her to find happiness and maybe she has. Only time will tell. So I gave her a hug and told her congratulations and then my phone started vibrating in my pocket and buzzing both of us. Turns out that was a new friend I have, and I was trying not to laugh at the situation with my ex and talk to Gorgeous at the same time.

Anyway I need to post this. Grab your pookie and tell them how much they mean to you. Make a nice day!! :D

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I saw this over at Lil Bit's blog and decided to make one of my own.


You’re a bit of a romantic and have a taste for the exotic. You love feeling the sea breeze in your hair, sun on your skin... Slip those shoes off... You like to kick back. When it comes to art, you’re definitely unconventional — seeing art in all corners of life. You believe in self-expression and adventure. As for music, it’s the soundtrack to your world. An open road, your favorite tracks - clichés are there to be enjoyed! Your choice of treat shows you love being a little bit naughty. Being good all the time is a bore. You’ve got a good sense of fun and maybe an infectious giggle.


Oh - insatiable! Your thirst for affection never drops. You’ve got a high sex drive and appetite for love. For kicks there is nothing like a little affection to give you a buzz. There is never enough time to love! When it comes to holidays, relaxing and spending time with friends and family is what it is all about. You like long lazy sunny days - coming back home rejuvenated. What grosses you out? You like people to be well groomed, with a tight bod and heaps of sex appeal. Wobbly bits and hairy areas are a complete turn off.


Living in a material world you are always flashing the plastic. You like to live for today and not get caught up thinking about tomorrow - hey, that would slow your shopping down. Mmmm - caffeine - you love the stability and comfort of routine. Sometimes you need an extra kick to get going. Where would you be without it? As for the home, style is certainly not top of your list - you’re too busy with other things in life. Functional meets all your needs.


For you love is about long—term commitment, it means devotion and tenderness. When you think of freedom - you think of the hard cash that can buy it for you. It’s obvious innit? You’re pretty wise to the world.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

How did I piss off Karma?

So there I was, tied up to the bed, motor oil...WAIT WAIT WAIT STOP!!! Wrong story.

Ok, everyone says Karma is a bitch, so I am now wondering what I did to piss Karma off. You see I ask this question because I thought I would be nice tonight. I decided to make a chocolate shake for Mud. I went and got the ice cream out, got the stick blender, the chocolate syrup, and the milk.

I scooped out the ice cream and put it in the cup, poured the chocolate on it, poured the milk in it, then got the blender and put it down in there and gave it a test spin to make sure it didn't make a mess. Well guess what? It spit that stuff right up over the side of the cup and onto the counter and the floor I had just mopped yesterday! *&%$^#(%((*&#$&#$ and a few other words. It was all over my hand, but I decided to go ahead and finish mixing it so Mud could have it before she went to bed. I got it finished and put the blender into an empty cup to keep it from falling over.

Thats when the fun began. I started cleaning Mud's cup and my hand. When I finished that I decided to go ahead and clean the floor a little with the paper towel that wasn't quite all used up. When I turn around to throw the paper towel away I hear a crash and a thump. What do I see when I turn back around? You guessed it folks, Karma done bitch slapped me and was laughing her ass off. The stick blender had fallen over and clipped the cup that was full of chocolate shake which somehow caused it to shoot that stuff all the way up to the ceiling and splash the light fixture. Then it threw the rest of it all over the kitchen cabinets, the stove, you name it, it had chocolate shake on it! I was stupefied. All I could do was stand there and laugh my fool head off. I did manage to take a few pictures before I mopped the floor and wiped off everything else.

The pictures don't show it very well but it was all over.

So everybody needs to have a good laugh at this cause I damn sure did!!

Make a nice day!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Time Flies

Time flies when you get older! Seems like I haven't had time to post anything this past week. Not much to really post, but I'll give a quick recap:

Monday: Ummm, anyone know what I did? I can't seem to remember. Oh well maybe Tuesday will be better!

Tuesday: Ummm, oh yeah! Went to PT where we had the ab workout queen from hell. I think we did 200 crunches in 10 minutes. In different positions of course... And I did 11 miles on a bike in 30 minutes. Yay, ate a frickin' donut right after! :)

Wednesday: I got nothing...

Thursday: Hmmm, am I wasting my life away? What exactly do I do anymore?

Friday: I talked to a friend's mom online, while the friend cooked dinner.

Oh boy, I need to get out more!!

Saturday: Woke up at 0527 and couldn't go back to sleep. I remember staring at the clock and the last time I saw was 0613. Then I woke up at 0934. The first thought I had? The coffee is going to be cold. Bummer.

Give your pookie a snuggle and make a nice day!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


I got up at 0715 this morning since I couldn't lay around in bed anymore by myself. Mud got up around 8 and came down to complain about not having any breakfast food in the house. This is despite the fact that there are 7 boxes of cereal, cream of wheat, oatmeal, pop-tarts, Eggo waffles.

Finally she decided on something and made it all by herself. I had to take a picture just so I could post this.

Make a nice day!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Rejected Horoscope

Schinfl's Rejected Horoscope:

You will take a dump on your neighbour's lawn and then blame it on their dog

'What is your rejected horoscope?' at

Mess with your kids Day

I think today is a good day to mess with Mud. She was complaining about starving to death earlier, so I told her to pick out something. She chose Sesame Chicken. Thats fine. It's quick and easy and she eats it.

Halfway through dinner she asks what "these" are. (Water Chestnuts) I told her they were snake. Hehehe... She picked them all out. Next she asked what "this" is. (The chicken). I told her it was cat. She said she didn't believe me and wanted to check the package for the ingredients. I told her to just eat her dinner, it wasn't anything that she hadn't eaten before. She told me she wasn't hungry anymore. I finally relented and told her to go read the package then finish her dinner.

She didn't think it was funny of me to tell her that snakes and cats were her dinner. I thought it was hilarious though. :D

Make a nice day!

Monday, February 19, 2007

RL vs Virtual

I was thinking about something this morning. I was thinking about the different personalities some people have when it comes to Real Life and their Virtual one. I know I am different in each. It has to do with the fact that in Real Life I am too shy around women. I never know what to say to them or if they are going to laugh at me and tell me to go F*$!! myself. A lot of insecurity there I think.

Whereas in the Virtual world I have time to think about what I type before I hit the send button. It also helps to know that I can run away easier if they laugh at me and pretend it didn't happen. Which personality is real? How many people would ignore someone in Real Life if they acted like they do online?

How many people are different in Real Life than they are online? Do you intentionally have a different personality or is it just easier to be who you want to be?

Make a nice day.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Movie review

I took Mud and the neighbor girl to see the new Disney movie "Bridge to Terabithia".
No one said I would need a box of tissue! I won't spoil it for you, but I do recommend taking some tissue with you.
Overall it was a very good movie. It had some special effects that were ok. The storyline was good. Sort of the same old Disney plot, "subject A meets subject B, some form of bonding, something happens to either subject A or B, let the healing begin".
I liked the movie and I will admit that I was glad it was dark in the theater. Go see it.

Make a nice day.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


I decided to post a picture of the results of blocking a soccer ball with my face.

All that you can see is the bruise on my eyelid. My nose still hurts but not too bad. I recommend not blocking soccer balls with your face. :)

Make a nice day!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I hope everyone has a great Valentines Day.

Tell your pookie that you love them and make a nice day.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


This morning at PT it was decided that we would play indoor soccer. That was ok with me since it is usually a lot of fun. Like the saying goes, "It's all fun and games until someone gets hit in the face with the ball." Who got hit in the face by a ball that was just kicked? You got it kids. Your's truly. I was so close I didn't even see the guy kick the ball or the ball move toward me. It caught me right square in the face. It didn't break my nose, but it is very sore. My left eye didn't want to open for a minute, and I had to hold onto something to keep from falling down. The good news is, I found out I'm not a bleeder...

Oh and I got back into the game after a few minutes. :)

Make a nice day!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

What a PIGSTY!!

I wish I could say this was the worst it has ever been, but this is Mud's room after she "cleaned" it.

If she is this messy at 10, what hope do I have for her teen years? Somebody just shoot me now.

Make a nice day.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Who Am I?

Turns out I am an egghead...


I had to take my new truck in yesterday. Seems the heater core decided it didn't want to hold antifreeze anymore and dumped it on the passenger floorboard. I got to the dealer around 9 and didn't get to work until 1130.

What took so long you ask? Well, I had to wait about 30 minutes for their shuttle to come back and pick me up to take me to the base. We were almost there when his phone rang and they said it would be an overnight stay for my truck and that I should come back so they could give me a loaner. That was fine with me, I was kind of hoping they would let me drive a GTO home for the night.

When we got back to the dealership it turned out they didn't have any loaner cars. They called the Enterprise dealer down the street and had them send someone down to come get me. They gave me a voucher for the rental car and away I went.

At Enterprise the guy asked what kind of vehicle I had being worked on. I told him it was an Envoy, and he looked at his list of available cars, then asked me if I would mind driving a Yukon. Umm yeah I think I could manage that. They brought around a brand new 2007 silver GMC Yukon. This thing was fully loaded. Power everything! There were so many damn buttons I was afraid to push any of them. That was a damn nice ride! I hated to take it back this evening. But I got mine back with no charge at all since it was under warranty still. I LOVE having a warranty!!

I was going to take pictures of it, but said screw it. No point since it was only a rental! The thing drank gas too. I still want one!

Make a nice day!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Science Project

Mud did her science project today. She did the actual experiment, she still has to do the research paper, bibliography, purpose, variables, hypothesis, materials list, procedure, conclusions, and summary/abstract. All of that stuff she doesn't want to do though. Sometimes I wish I was the type that could pull the belt off and give her a good whipping and tell her to get to work. If she felt that she would get that she probably wouldn't be failing 5th grade now. Maybe I just need a short tour overseas for a year and let her mother handle things...

Make a nice day.

Friday, February 02, 2007


This past week has gone by rather quickly. Went to a renaissance fair last weekend. Had a great time. Work was very busy, I barely had time to scratch my nuts.

Now here it is Friday night, Mud is in bed, I have most of a margarita gone, and no one to talk to. Ain't that just the way it goes?

Make a nice day.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


I just got back from a parent teacher conference. Seems as though Mud has been lying to me about a lot of things. Homework for the most part. Tests for parent signature not coming home, just mysteriously disappearing, science project not being done. Mud is going to fail 5th grade. She has a 25% in Social Studies. Reading she is doing ok. Math is a 68%. Science is a 49% with the major project due MONDAY!!! She hasn't even chosen a topic yet. The teacher gave her until 1 March to complete it. Granted she won't get full credit for it, but at least she won;t fail totally. She will have no playtime from now until she turns in her science project. She also has to get her daily planner signed by all her teachers every day. I felt like such a bad father when her science teacher told me she had done nothing on her project. All I could do was give him the blank-deer-in-the-headlights look. Her momma showed up about halfway through and then told me she couldn't help with the science project. No shit. She can't seem to find the time to spend more than 45 minutes a day with her daughter, why would I even assume she could help her with her schoolwork. Frell it all!!

Make a nice day.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Screwed up

I screwed up big time last night. I forgot to set up my coffee for this morning. I worked the early shift as well so I had to be at work at 0600. I haven't gotten rid of the headache yet. I did drink a Coke and a Pepsi. I would have given my left nut this morning for a Jolt cola though. You can be damn sure I have my coffee set up already for tomorrow morning.

I took Mud to the movie, "Arthur and the Invisibles" and it was pretty good. Better than that last one I took her to.

Make a nice day.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Stripper Idol 07

It is that time of year again. One of the rock DJ's that was in Orlando moved to Tampa so that he could get his own morning show. He started Stripper Idol last year and has continued it this year in Tampa. Everybody has to go vote for their favorite stripper. Stripper Idol. Can you guess who I am voting for?

Make a nice day!

Monday, January 15, 2007


Most of you know I have a thing for redheads. I was finally making headway and had the perfect redhead naked in bed with me this morning. She was stacked 34DD-22-34, long red hair, legs that just wouldn't quit, nice tight belly that showed she worked out quite a bit. The freckles were perfect also, they were all over. I was playing connect the freckles with my tongue. Everything was moving along just perfectly.

Then my ex-wife burst into my bedroom this morning. Talk about getting woken up the wrong way!! She forgot that Mud didn't have school today and worried that I was going to be late for work and Mud would be late for school. I tried to get her to snuggle with me till I went back to sleep to make up for it, but she wouldn't do it. Imagine that.

Make a nice day!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Thank You

I want to thank everyone who left comments and told me Happy Birthday. I especially want to thank Phain since she orchestrated everything by informing people that I was another year older.

Unfortunately this post also has to have a comment about Betcha. It seems as though she was killed in a car accident last week and we are just now finding out about it. I won't post the information here. If you want to I recommend going to Os's blog and reading his post.

Tell your Pookie that you Love them and Make a nice day.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Movie review

I took Mud to see "Happily N'ever After" today. Don't bother. Although the evil stepmother has a very nice figure with a really great rack (almost as good as Jessica Rabbit) :), the movie was rather boring. Mud thought it was ok. Usually to her a movie is really good. This time she just said it was ok.

Make a nice day.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Vacations Suck

Yep sometimes vacations suck. I hate when they end. I took Mud to my Ex M-I-L's house for the Christmas vacation. I spent time with her family and enjoyed myself. I took Mud there because my Ex still doesn't talk to her mother and rarely to her siblings. Mud still loves visiting with Granny though. The problem came when it was time to leave. She started whining and crying because she didn't want to come home. That part of it makes me not want to take her to visit anymore. It just isn't worth the emotional stress she puts my through. I think from now on Mud's momma is going to have to be the one to take her and bring her back and deal with that crap. I just can't do it anymore.

Make a nice day.