Saturday, March 03, 2007

Time Flies

Time flies when you get older! Seems like I haven't had time to post anything this past week. Not much to really post, but I'll give a quick recap:

Monday: Ummm, anyone know what I did? I can't seem to remember. Oh well maybe Tuesday will be better!

Tuesday: Ummm, oh yeah! Went to PT where we had the ab workout queen from hell. I think we did 200 crunches in 10 minutes. In different positions of course... And I did 11 miles on a bike in 30 minutes. Yay, ate a frickin' donut right after! :)

Wednesday: I got nothing...

Thursday: Hmmm, am I wasting my life away? What exactly do I do anymore?

Friday: I talked to a friend's mom online, while the friend cooked dinner.

Oh boy, I need to get out more!!

Saturday: Woke up at 0527 and couldn't go back to sleep. I remember staring at the clock and the last time I saw was 0613. Then I woke up at 0934. The first thought I had? The coffee is going to be cold. Bummer.

Give your pookie a snuggle and make a nice day!!

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