While I was in Florida for Mud's graduation, Gorgeous let me know that the washer died. It wouldn't do anything. It was probably 11 years old so I just figured it was time to replace it. I know I have pulled it apart and fixed it twice when something broke on it. When I got back from Florida we went to Sears and purchased the one she had picked out. Delivery time was two weeks, so she had to wash clothes next door. It got delivered yesterday and I paid for installation, but they didn't hook it up because they couldn't get one of the old hoses off. When I got home everything was just sitting there in the hallway, so I got out the channel locks and managed to get the hose off along with half of the faucet. Trip to Home Depot and then again to Lowes to get a new one. Got the new one installed and everything connected and plugged in, push the start button and nothing. Went to the breaker box and found that the washer breaker was tripped. Joy. Spent a crapload of money because the breaker was tripped. I even asked Gorgeous if she checked the breaker and she told me the dryer worked...
Remember to tell your Pookie you love them!