Monday, May 12, 2008


I am packing to leave again. I am going to Naples, Italy this time. Where they are having garbage issues. Evidently they no longer have anywhere to put it. The weather is heating up. Oh happy happy joy joy! At least I didn't have to catch the 5:05 am flight! My ride is picking me up at 1 pm today. Some of the other guys that are going caught a 6:15 am flight so they will already be there at the hotel drunk by the time I get there. I fly back to Izmir on Friday morning and get back in the afternoon. On the way there and back I get to go through Munich since I am flying on Lufthansa. I wanted to go on this route so that I can see part of my route that I will be taking home in 15 days. Seems like 6 months have absolutely flown by! Time to get back to packing.

Give your pookie a hug and a snuggle and make a nice day!!

P.S. I hope everyone remembered to call their Mother's yesterday!

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