Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It seems odd to me that I noticed a very nice smell in the air a few days ago. Thought maybe honeysuckle but I haven't located it yet. Then yesterday on my walk home I noticed that there are blooming rose bushes almost everywhere! All different colors. All of them beautiful. I can smell them easily over the smell of the city. I hope they can stay blooming the rest of the time I am here.

Make a nice day!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


After church today we went over to St Polycarp's Church. It is very beautiful and represents one of the 7 Churches in Revelations. I sent out the photos already. If you didn't get it then I don't have an email address for you. Drop me a line and I will send them to you.

Make a Nice Day!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I have been trying to do my annual performance report. It sucks that I can't get anything from my last duty station. They won't answer my emails. I had to eat a few TUMS because of this. Not to mention they changed the EPR form and this is my first one of this type. Just a lovely time. I will have to put my rater off until Monday I guess and do everything I can on it this weekend. I can't use anything from my previous station unless they send a letter of evaluation, and trying to get that 4 months after leaving is kind of hard. Hell trying to remember what I did 12 months ago at work is difficult. If I were still there I could go through my emails and jog my memory about stuff. Now I am just screwed I think. Too bad I can't tell them to just skip it this year.

Make a Nice Day!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I Stole this MeMe from Vixen

Any teenager can write a survey about their favorite class or their secret crush or how nice their car is that their parents paid for. This survey is only for the grown-ups.

1. Do you have a college degree?

Yes. I have 2. Ya'll might remember me posting about that.

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?


3. Do you have life insurance?

Yes. Two separate policies.

4. How many hours per week do you work?

I'm in the military, I'm always working!

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmaster's event?

HELL NO!!! I barely managed to make it through Speech class to get my degrees and you think I am going to inflict more pain on myself intentionally? Are you stupid?

6. Favorite place to attend happy hour?

A bar with strippers... :D

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?

Around 10 miles. On a city bus. In Izmir, Turkey...

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?


9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?


10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?


11. How large was your first cell phone?

I am behind the times. My first cell phone was a black RAZR.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?

Yes. Even if I get shot or blown up!!

13. Did you use the internet to write a research paper?

I have.

14. Have you ever attended a HS reunion?

No. I was overseas for my 10th and I will be overseas for my 20th this summer.

15. Did you become what you said you would "when you grew up"?

A burden on society? No not yet...

16. What is your favorite drink?


17. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?

About $35.

18. Have you been divorced?


19. How old were you when you stopped getting ID'd for Alcohol?


20. Favorite casino?

Horseshoe Casino in Shreveport, the buffet is awesome!!

21. Are you happier now than you were in high school?

Hell Yes!!

22. Did you ever have hyper color shirts?

Yes I Did!!! I loved that shirt!

23. Do you​ remember when Michael Jackson was black and attracted to women?


24. Do you remember when MTV played music videos?

I remember the very first video they played...

25. Have you had a will made?


26. What music was in your cd/cassette player when you were in high school?

Guns N' Roses, Aerosmith, Lynyrd Skynyrd, AC/DC, and other rock bands.

27. Favorite fancy/upscale restaurant?

About the fanciest I get now is a Chinese Buffet!!

28. Where were you when you found out about 9/11?

I was stationed at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana. The undisclosed AFB in Louisiana that President Bush diverted to before he continued on to Offutt. He came to the building I worked in cause we had the communication equipment he needed. The first statement to the American public he gave was in our conference room.

29. Do you have any children yet?

Yes. I have a 20 year old daughter, an 11 year old daughter, and a 9 year old son.

Monday, April 07, 2008


OK folks. I uploaded the pictures of Bucharest and sent out the invitations to view. Didn't get one? Want one? Drop me an email or leave a comment with your email address. I share pictures.

Make a nice day!!

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Ok. I could definitely live here in Bucharest. I have told Gorgeous this already. She told me no. The reason she said no? The same reason I could live here. There are so many absolutely physically beautiful women. Do I know them on a personal level? Hell no! Do I want to? Hell no! They might speak and ruin all my fantasies! Besides I have Gorgeous now!

But I have been here a week and the people have all been nice. I don't want to go back to Turkey. It sucks there. Ok, maybe not sucks, but the women don't look like this. You see a blond in Turkey and you automatically think they are from somewhere else.

I will stop whining. I took pictures of the buildings, not the women. I'll post them when I get back. A lot of the buildings are leftover from the communist era. They are old and appear to be in bad condition, but the people are all happy. I think that is the main reason I could live here pretty easily. People are Happy.

Make a nice day!!