Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Long time

I guess I should do some blogging since Gorgeous did. She posted pictures of when she was here for two weeks. Go check them out then come back. I'll wait...

OK! How do you like those pictures? I think she did an amazing job with the pictures. I was so happy to see her come through the glass doors at the airport. Two weeks went by entirely too quickly. After she left I realized how much I missed her being with me. Good thing is, I only have 47 more days here. Then I get to go back to the land of consumption. I intend to eat me some Popeye's Fried Chicken!

I went to the housing office today and set up several appointments and filled out the paperwork to tell the landlord when I was leaving. Kind of scared me a little. I realized that I am going to have to clean this apartment... I wonder how much a maid would charge to do it? Hmmm...

I better post this before I get sappy, seeing as how I am drinking wine on an empty stomach. Maybe I should eat something.

Tell your Pookie that you love them and Make a nice day!

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