Friday, March 31, 2006

Tired again

This early shift sucks in the morning! I stayed up a little late again last night and am tired this morning. I'm a big boy, I know better. I'll handle it though. I made my own choice to stay up. Plus I had a big cup of coffee this morning.

Speech class last night was interesting. We had to give an impromptu speech, 1-2 minutes long. Oh just Fucking Great! Lovely. I managed to get through it. Didn't give quite enough detail, but took questions at the end and managed ok. Only 6 more weeks of speech class! Next week she will be going over material that will be on the mid-term. Damn! I better take good notes next week!

Time to get back to work. Make a nice day!

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Time for HNT again! Work is cutting into my HNT time. Can't surf them there, so I have to wait till I get home. When I was at the beach the other day I was trying to get a decent picture of the waves crashing and ended up taking a picture with my shadow. I was going to discard it and then thought that it would make a good picture for HNT. How often does someone show you their shadow? Everybody has one, but nobody pays attention to them. So for HNT I am showing you my shadow.

Don't know what HNT is? Click on Os's link or the lady in lingerie on my sidebar and prepare to have a great time!

Make a nice day!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I stayed up late last night. Late for me anyway, I went to sleep after midnight. Since I am on the early shift I have to get up at 0500. It came way too soon this morning! I woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off, and had the "not enough sleep" shakes. Everybody has had them before. Albeit probably more than a few years ago when we were still young and immortal. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and got my coffee then got in the shower and stood there while I drank my coffee. Yes I turned my back to the shower, I don't like watered down coffee! I ended up taking the rest of my coffee in a big cup to work and finishing it there. It was a little rough at work for a few hours! So I had a pretty good day overall. I stopped by the beach after work and sat for a few minutes. No pictures today though.

Did you tell someone you loved them and make a nice day?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I went to the beach today after work. I didn't stay real long, just about 45 minutes or so. Sat there and watched the waves crash and some people walk by. There was a MILF that walked by in front of me, had a really nice ass. Cute face too.

I hope you made a nice day!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Shift work

I started the early morning shift again today. Ugh! I don't like getting up in the morning that early. It does make for a quick day. At least after lunch anyway. I had a quiet weekend overall, not much happened really. I looked around the house and determined that I need a maid, I am either too lazy or too disorganized to dust this house and make sure everything is clean all the time.

I still have to think of a topic and a thesis statement for an informative speech on Thursday. The speech isn't on Thursday just the topic and thesis statement are due.

Make a nice day!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Color of my Soul

I saw this over on Lil Bits blog and thought I would do it myself. Here are my results.

Your Soul is Blue - Calm, hip, easy-going. You are a very chill person, and try to stay worry free. What's the point in fear and stress? You like to sit back, and relax, just taking one problem at a time, and doing it with style. This is a helpful quality to have in this fast paced age, just don't let the world leave you behind.
Take this quiz!

Friday, March 24, 2006


I guess it is time to actually admit that I have failed at something that I swore I would be successful at. The paperwork was filed on Wednesday, yesterday morning I got a call from her telling me that the court date is 5 April. All I could think was, "Damn thats quick!" So needless to say I was a little depressed yesterday.

I also had my first class for Speech last night. Which is probably my greatest fear, Public Speaking. So what happens first thing last night? INTRODUCTIONS! She gave us two minutes to prepare an impromptu speech about ourselves. She even gave us a sheet that had questions we needed to tell about ourselves. Then she asked for volunteers so I stood up and went first to get it over with. I did my little speech and she asked questions during it. When I sat down my hands were shaking so bad the guy next to me said "DAMN!" I did it though. For next week I have to come up with a topic for an informative speech. Which is supposed to be between 4 and 6 minutes. Ugh!

I didn't get a chance to check everyones HNT's, something I hope to catch up on this weekend. I hope to catch up on a lot of stuff this weekend. I don't know if I will get the chance though. I really want to crawl into a bottle and forget everything for a few days. I won't do it, but I want to.

I have work to get to. Make a nice day, and tell someone you love them.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Dirty HNT

I had an epiphany Tuesday morning after PT. I figured out I should show you guys just how dirty I can get. At least while playing Ultimate Frisbee. So I dragged the old camera out and took a picture of my leg after I took my socks off. Just to show you the dirt! ;)

Now go visit Os and get started on HNT yourself!

Make a nice day!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Another theft

I stole this idea from le chat qui a peur. Some of these are fun some are strange. Get your own at The Seventh Sanctum.

Evil Name Generator - Eviltrack The Mystic
Evil-Sounding Name Generator - Handor
Fantasy Name Generator - Cwailler
Greek-Style Namer - Oustithe
Lovecraftian Name Generator - Tharshlot
Dark Elf Name Generator - Idevami Farblade
Weird Name Generator - King Joviality with Eyes of Iron Who Conceals the Blasphemous Cenotaph

I guess I need to get to work. Make a nice day!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I am trying to figure out what I should do after the paperwork is filed. Cry or go drinking. Maybe both. I grew up in a broken home and know that this is hurting my daughter. I wish I could take all her pain away and know for a fact that she understands it has nothing to do with her except that she is our daughter. I hope that my S-T-B-E-W doesn't place her in danger with someone she starts seeing. I hope that she has more love for our daughter than that. I guess I need to post this. I had some form of a post in my head before I got sidetracked and lost it.

Make a nice day!

Monday, March 20, 2006

The End is Near

I had "that phone call" last night. My soon-to-be-ex-wife wants to file the paperwork on Wednesday. I knew the day would come when we had to file, but I held out hope for a reconciliation. Stupid as it sounds. Even after the pain and heartbreak she has put me through, I still love her. Not just because she is my daughters mother, but because I felt that she was the one I wanted to grow old with. I wanted to sit on the porch when we were old and rock in our rocking chairs, to be the old couple you see walking through the park still holding hands. I realize this won't happen with her. Why wasn't she the one for me? If she isn't the one for me, where is the one for me at? Does she even exist?

Make a nice day.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


It has been a quiet weekend so far. I had to cut my bike ride short yesterday since I forgot my water bottle. Yeah I know waah, big baby. I only got 10 miles in. I am thinking I should ride more than once a week. I just have to find the time to do it. I don't want to do it after work, I can't get up early enough in the morning to do it, and I really can't do it while I am at work. Maybe I'll start riding on Saturdays and Sundays both. Not much else to tell you today.

Make a nice day!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Not this week. I have barely had time to wipe my butt this week with the driving back and forth for this class and everything. Sorry to disappoint everyone. Next week I will be back.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I am in a class this week for my job. It is in Orlando. I am driving back and forth. I hate this fucking traffic! How can people live like this? What is a 45 minute drive when there is no traffic, turns into an hour and 45 minutes with traffic. I want to carry my guns just so I can shoot the idiots on the road!! Seriously, why can't these people drive?

I had another dream last night. It wasn't quite as vivid, but it was pretty good too. My pillows are getting abused I think.

I hope you made a nice day.

Monday, March 13, 2006


I had some seriously strange dreams last night. So what was different you ask? Well in my dreams I was submissive to one single woman. Nothing strange about that really. Big fantasy sometimes. I woke up spreadeagle across my bed on my back, thinking to myself, damn that would be nice. Normally I am curled up hugging a pillow because I am cold, but not this morning. Why has this one woman got me feeling this way? I have never even met her in real life. This is definitely strange to me, and rather scary as well.

Oh well, Make a nice day!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Fortune Cookie

Went to the trough (chinese buffet down the road) for dinner. I thought my fortune was interesting when you add the appropriate part at the end.

Dispel negativity through creative activities. (in bed)

hehehe :)

Saturday, March 11, 2006


What happens when you forget to put sunscreen on and go for a 20 mile bicycle ride? Here is what happens.

And what becomes your best friend a couple hours later?

So that was another stupid thing I can add to my list for this week. I'll remember this one for a day or two.

Bad day

Well, last night was bad, not yesterday. I left a comment that was intended as a joke, but forgot some appropriate things and it turned into a malicious comment. I wish I could take them back, but without deleting the whole comment I can't. Just deleting the comment would make it so no one else gets to read it, but the person whose blog it is, already read it and was hurt. So I left my comment and posted another where I apologized profusely. I wish I could take the hurt away, but I am just a man. LB, I am sorry.

Also, Summer had to change her blog. I don't know what the new one is, or if there will even be a new one. If there is, when she gives me the address and permission to link her I will. If not, I'll keep searching. :)

Friday, March 10, 2006


I was tagged by Summer this afternoon (I wish!!!)

Two Names You Go By
1. Sergeant (insert last name)
2. Schinfl

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. British
2. Czechoslovakian

Two things that scare you
1. Public Speaking
2. Women (I know, I'm not supposed to admit this, but just think Lorena Bobbitt)

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. cell phone
2. computer

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. T shirt (White with Base Volleyball champions on it)
2. Gray shorts

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. Guns N Roses (The original, not the new one)
2. Velvet Revolver (duh) :)

Two Physical Things that Appeal to You
1. Eyes
2. Butts (yeah so what, sue me!)

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Computers
2. My Oldsmobile

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. Blondie ;)
2. Summer :)
2. Lil'bit :D (decisions, decisions, decisions)

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Amsterdam
2. Tokyo

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Have Summer autograph my copy of Playboy that she posed in!
2. Watch my great grandkids graduate from college. (hopefully I'll be really old!)

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. Summer in burgundy scrubs...
2. What to eat for dinner (hey you gotta have your priorities straight!)

Two favorite web sites
1. Yahoo mail
2. Storiesonline

Two Favorite Sports (to watch and/or play)
1. Football (to watch)
2. Racquetball (to play)

Two People who will fill this out
1. Blondie
2. Lil Bit

Two things you did last night
1. Surfed porn
2. umm, surfed more porn... (maybe I need a life out of the house...)

Two shows you like to watch
1. Good Eats
2. CSI

Two places you like to go to:
1. Renaissance Faires
2. Salvage yards

Two Favorite Subjects In School:
1. Girls
2. Lunch

Two Favorite Places to eat:
1. Texas Roadhouse
2. Popeye's

Two things you like about yourself (physically):
1. My eyes
2. My hands

Two things you ate today:
1. Chicken Stew
2. Shrimp (at a Mexican place!)

Two people you last talked to:
1. My nephew
2. Blondie

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. Getting groceries
2. Revamping my firewall


Wheee!! Friday is here. I was busy this morning, but not bad. Now I am sitting here surfing blogs because my work is done for now and no one is crying. I wonder if I can get out of here early today...

Time to go back to surfing. Make a nice day!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Slacker HNT

I am such a slacker. I forgot all about preparing for HNT and realized it this morning when I got out of bed. So I did what every lazy man does, I put on my PJ's and took a picture. Yeah I know it's something you've seen before, just not me in my pj's. So spank me, humiliate me, make me write bad checks. I am such a slacker this week.

For whatever reason, blogger wouldn't let me upload the edited picture, so you get to see all the bad early morning stuff sideways! Yuck. I am late and can't think about this stuff this early.

Wanna play in HNT? Go see the man OS, or click on the lingerie lady link on my sidebar.

Make a nice day!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Yep, just like I thought, I am seriously sore today. Abs are preventing me from sitting up straight and other areas are just painful twitches every now and then.

I haven't figured out something for HNT tomorrow. Any ideas?

The voting is still open for Summer. I thought it ended yesterday, but evidently I was wrong. You can still vote. So go vote for her!!

Make a nice day.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Fun Tuesday morning

PT wasn't much fun this morning. We did the ab workout routine and I am going to be really sore tomorrow. There was even some drama there. Senior NCO's disrespecting fellow Senior NCO's in front of Junior NCO's and Airmen. So we all got to exercise more than we should of had to. Fucktards!

Everyone needs to go vote for Summer! This is the last day of voting so get all the votes in that you can! We got to make sure she gets to do another layout. That way we can get autographed copies from her when she wins!

What a fun way to start the day. Make a nice day!

Monday, March 06, 2006


The weekend was fun and it sucked. There was happiness and fighting. Anger and love. I don't know if I even care enough to blog about it right now. Suffice it to say that my soon-to-be-ex-wife made a few bad choices and her oldest isn't happy with her right now.

OK. If your oldest child who you hadn't seen for almost a year, drove 8 hours to visit you for a weekend, wouldn't you be willing to spend time with them instead of "making other plans" and ignoring them?

So it wasn't the best visit.

My 12th anniversary is coming up in a few days, and I have been wondering if I should bother with giving an anniversary present or not. If so, should I give a traditional gift, or a brown bag full of doggy doo?

I gotta do some work. Make a nice day.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Rejected Horoscope

schinfl's Rejected Horoscope:

You will find a winning lottery ticket on the ground but the police confiscate it as evidence in a murder then laugh at you

'What is your rejected horoscope?' at

Friday, March 03, 2006


I have visitors for the weekend. My oldest, the step-daughter, came down for the weekend with her boyfriend. They showed up a little after I left for work. I will be happy to see her when I go home for lunch. I reckon we will go eat somewhere or maybe she will be spending time with her mom during the day. When I called my soon-to-be-ex-wife to find out if they had arrived yet, she didn't sound very happy. Guess her plans got ruined or something. Too bad. Time to get back to work.

Make a nice day!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Your Linguistic Profile:

65% General American English

25% Dixie

5% Upper Midwestern

5% Yankee

0% Midwestern

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I figured I would kill two birds with one stone for HNT. Me half-nekkid on my new couch. I even managed to figure out the timer on my new camera! Not bad for one week!

If you don't know what HNT is visit OS or click on the lingerie lady on my sidebar and get ready to have some fun of your own!

Make a nice day!


Grab your attention? :) I know they grab mine every time I see a woman's panties when I shouldn't be seeing them. I don't know if it is because I have a slight fetish or because I am male, but I love getting that illicit little glimpse of a woman's panties.

Why do I post this today? I have no idea. I woke up this morning wondering about certain women and what color of panties they are wearing today. Such a wonderful thing to think about when I first wake up. I just wish I could see if my psychic ability is good and find out who is wearing what...

I know I'm sick and twisted. Probably a little depraved too. Oh well, this is my blog, and this is me! :D

Make a nice day!