Damn! Talk about slacking on my posts! Only one since last weeks post! I'll be glad to be done with this early shift. So anyways, I told ya'll that I had a post of something you have already seen, but with some added holes. No, not that kind!
Monday I was playing with Kitty. She was hiding under the newspaper and I was "getting" her and letting her wrestle with me. She got a little overzealous and bit me. HARD! So I have 4 little puncture marks in the heel of my right hand. I was a little shocked to say the least. It was bad enough that I decided to go to the clinic before I went back to work since this happened at lunch. So I went in and since it was an animal bite they had to fill out paperwork about the animal. Then they cleaned the punctures and betadined them and sent me on my way with the stipulation that if there was any swelling or pain or redness I should come back in.
So I get to work and there is a voicemail for me. From the base veterinarian. Informing me that I needed to call them ASAP. Lovely. So I called them up and the first thing she asked was, "What is the status of the animal?" WTF? Nice to see some care about me!! Anyway I told them that she was probably fat and sleeping on the couch where she isn't supposed to be. The vet then told me that some people will kill the animal after it bites. I told her that no I didn't kill my fat cat since it was an accident while playing. So the vet was happy to know that the animal was not in danger. I went home after work and found not one, not two, but THREE messages on the answering machine from the freaking County Animal Control Services! So I called and got ahold of Bubba Redneck. This dude was a piece of trash! He asks me information about Kitty, when her last Rabies shot was, so I told him sometime last October I think. I then asked him if he could look it up from the tag number. He said he could and to give him the Rabies tag number. Which I did. He then told me that wasn't a valid tag number and started on a spiel about how it was illegal to have an animal without a valid tag in this county and to "keep me out of jail" I should give him my credit card number!! I DON"T FUCKING THINK SO!! And I told him that! I also said I had no idea who he was. He countered with, you called us, we are the County Animal Control services! And I told him that I called the number some redneck left on my answering machine claiming to be the animal control people. He then started on his county animal license spiel again and I told him that she had a legal tag number and if wanted to look that number up I would give him that one as well as the damn Rabies tag number. He said you already gave me a number and it didn't show up. I told him that he had asked for the Rabies tag number not her county animal license number. DumbAss! So I gave him that and he was being mouthy and saying "I'm not seeing it, I'm not seeing it." Then he was quiet for a minute and said, "Oh, there it is." DUMBASS!! I wanted to strangle this dipshit through the phone! At this point I was not in a happy mood. He then goes on to tell me that the animal is now under house quarantine. I asked how that differed from her everyday life since she never goes outside anyway. (I was not being friendly by now if you haven't already guessed.) I finally got off the phone with him.
Fast forward to Tuesday morning. Went and played Ultimate Frisbee for PT. After I got to work my hand was hurting and one of the punctures was read and swollen and still kind of oozing. So what did I do? Squeezed it of course! Got a bunch of pus out of it. I figured that I should probably go back to the clinic and see if they would give me some antibiotics or something. Finally got through the system again and they gave me a Tetanus shot even though mine was still good, and also gave me two different antibiotics. If it is still swollen and red after the 5 day treatment of antibiotics I need to go back in to the clinic. Course 5 days is Sunday. On Memorial Day weekend. Yeah Right! Like I will be able to get into the clinic then! The doors will be closed and locked with a sign that says come back Tuesday.
Ok this is a long post, especially for HNT, so here is a picture of my hand with 4 new holes in it.

Little Miss Innocent

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Osbasso and find out! Click on the lingerie lady on my sidebar to read the rules. Make a nice day and have fun HNT'ing!