Wednesday, May 31, 2006

ugh HNT

I haven't posted in a week! Damn I feel like a slug! I have determined that I no longer feel safe about blogging at work. Yes I am one of the Sys Admins, but I don't control the firewall or proxy at work. The ones who do seem to be getting nosy since they found my personal webpage. Fudge. So that has cut back my blogging a great deal.

So anyway, HNT has rolled around again, and I am not prepared. Again. I did receive a request for a certain type of picture to be posted. Since it was asked nicely (and I am otherwise unprepared) I will post it. I did go back and remove my Anniversary HNT since I wasn't comfortable posting this one and still having my face showing.

Without further ado here it is.

What is HNT? Go see Osbasso and find out! Click on the lingerie lady on my sidebar to read the rules. Make a nice day!

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