Friday, December 23, 2005

One Year

I had intended to post something yesterday since it was my one year blogiversary. I got lazy though and surfed HNT's!

It doesn't seem like it has been a year since I started writing in this. I have met some amzing people who have been very supportive and helpful. I am grateful to them. I have seen pictures on HNT that are very emotionally evoking, and others that are down right hot! I have also read stories that are almost identical to mine.

The one thing about the circle of friends that I have acquired on blogger, we are all dealing with our own demons and we try to help each other.

If I could I would give a dozen roses to each and everyone of you. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hannukah, or the any others that are celebrated that I don't know about.

Hold your snookie close and tell them you love them. Make a nice day.

P.S. Jessica, how are my paragraphs? I did them just for you! :)

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