Monday, May 02, 2005


Had a mostly quiet weekend overall. I took my daughter to see HHGG on saturday. She enjoyed it. I guess I will have to let her read the books when she gets a little older. My wife was too busy to go with us. I guess since she didn't come home from school till 2230. No phone call or nothing again. No explanation or even apology this time. Yep I'm a doormat.
So Sunday morning before I got ready for church, I asked her why. I proceeded to keep asking her questions and getting things off my chest. She just told me that she wasn't trying to hurt me, and that she didn't know why she was doing it. I asked her what it was that made her not want me. She wouldn't answer me. So now I'm still confused and lonely. And last night she goes to the movie by herself. Hmmm. Have a nice day.

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