Friday, February 04, 2005


I eyed the vodka again today at lunch. Too bad I have a conscience, otherwise I could be feeling somewhat better by now. I tried to get my wife to go eat lunch with me today, but she said she had too much homework to do. When I got home for lunch, she was practicing her speech so I didn't bother her, just found myself something to eat and listened to her talk. She was in the computer room and I was in the kitchen. She went through it a couple times and then went to get a box so she could pull her props out of it. After she ran through it again, she went to the bedroom to do something. I was standing at the kitchen sink staring out the window when she came up to me, I didn't even see her there at first, when I turned to her she gave me a kiss and then hugged me for a minute. I felt much better then. It's probably what kept me from hitting the vodka. I hope this evening before she goes to school is nice as well, since I am on standby this weekend and can't really drink. The military sorta frowns at being drunk on duty. Time to go surf some more blogs I guess. Some of these people are seriously messed up!

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