Well it happened again, I had a bunch of text typed in, then I hit some key combination and it erased all I had typed. I guess I will start over.
I am feeling somewhat depressed today. It seems as though my importance to my wife is somewhere below laundry and emptying the dishwasher. She made a schedule out so that she can try to get everything done with all her school work and such. She has time scheduled for our daughter, time for studying, time for working out, time for doing the laundry, cleaning the house, relaxing and watching TV, etc. Does she schedule time for her husband? Nope! When I asked her when she intended to make time for me, she said it wasn't like that. Maybe from her point of view it isn't, but from my point of view it damn sure is. I come home for lunch to spend some time with her and she decides that she has to study during the time I am home. She doesn't hardly give me any attention at all, let alone affection! So consequently I feel rather unloved and unwanted. Now I know what the ads mean when they say, "Married and Lonely".
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