Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Someone actually Reads my Blog!

I got a very nice comment today from Jehanne Dabantonne. I was very surprised to hear that someone actually takes time from their busy day to read about me. I want to thank her for her comments.

Last night was another night of despair and loneliness. I talked to my wife a little bit more before I had to go to PT this morning. It seems strange to me that she can be so sweet during the daylight hours, but when we go to bed she wants nothing to do with me. No holding hands, no snuggling, God forbid I try to initiate sex. Its gotten to the point where it is more satisfying to go take care of things myself in the bathroom! I have even started looking for a lawyer specializing in Divorce. I hope I won't need to call one.

My boss is starting to eyeball me so I better do some work. Take care.

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