Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Well Halloween around my house was pretty much a bust. Where I live is going to be leveled within 6 months, I am waiting for my house to be finished so they can move me. Consequently there are only 4 families on my entire street. I had one car load of kids come to the house for candy last night. Bummer. My wife dressed my daughter up as a cat, ears and tail included, and brought her over before she went trick or treating. She was being grumpy so the pictures I took of her show her being unhappy. I don't know why she was grumpy. When she called me before she went to bed she was happy and told me all about her two trips out. Seems as though she got so much candy she had to come home to unload. My nephew came home fairly early last night and brought the girl of the month with him. I teased him this morning about keeping the poor girl up and giggling that late into the night. He turned pretty red, but laughed about it. He made the comment that the house must not be very soundproof. I pointed out that each bedroom door has a big vent in it. I finally relented and quit teasing him. Other than that I don't have much to say. Make a nice day!

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