Sunday, November 13, 2005

I stole something!

I stole this from Blondie. I wonder if she will even notice? It's funny, someone challenged her to go for a week without blogging about her Tits (they are nice!), her ass (also very nice!), or alcohol (she drinks A LOT of wine!). Its been three days and she is having problems!! Haha!!

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Iron Bat
Your Superpower is Shape Shifter
Your Weakness is Frogs
Your Weapon is Your Meat Bludgeon
Your Mode of Transportation is Motorcycle

Umm, can someone explain to me what a "Meat bludgeon" is? Because if my superhero name is The Iron Bat and my weapon is a meat bludgeon, does that mean my real life job is porn star? Or am I just living below the gutter? :)

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