Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I assume that everyone has noticed my lack of posts recently. Well all I can say is that work sucks and I have been spending alot of time here at work, when I should be at home drinking myself into oblivion. It is starting to cramp my chat time with my friend. Yes she is female. I have heard rumors and even glimpsed pictures!! :) I haven't even had time to get something ready for HNT. Fortunately, my friend has taken it upon herself to do my work for me!! Damn ain't that nice!! I owe her a big kiss!! All she has to do is come and collect it! Thank You! So I will post it tomorrow and you can all tell her what a great job she did! I'm just an object. Hehe.

So I am doing better now that I got that previous post out. Sometimes I truly wish I could do the whole "big, ugly divorce with nasty lawyers" but alas, I am pretty much broke. Most people in the military with families live paycheck to paycheck. Some work second jobs to give some cushion for a rainy day, but I have always felt that the loss of time with the family cannot be made up bt money that will be gone soon anyway. I would much rather spend time with my family than go work somewhere for an extra couple hundred a week. It just isn't worth it. I guess now I could conceivably work one now, but I don't care to anymore. Time to get back in the server room. Take care and make a nice day!

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