Thursday, January 06, 2005

another day

Today is another day. The holidays were ok, we went to my mother-in-laws house for a week. wheee! Thats where we always go. We never go see my family. It has been 3 years since we went to my hometown and saw my family. The only reason we went then was because my grandfather died. So far my wife is showing me very little attention now, and what she does seems forced. Sex is out altogether. It was toward the beginning of December that we last had sex, and she was so much fun then that I would have been happier jerking off!! I mean come one! When I ask what she would like and she says "Whatever. It doesn't matter" That just kills my desire. She doesn't want me to spoon with her or hold her either. It's starting to get frustrating. I can go without sex with her, but I do need some affection and friendship from her. She keeps telling me that I ignored her for years and now that it is affecting me is when I try to change. I never thought I was ignoring her, she said she wanted to do this or do that and I had other things to do so we went separately to do our things. Now she says I am following her around and crowding her not giving her enough space. Make up your fucking mind!!!! I try to come home for lunch to spend time with her, but she has conveniently started having errands to do at lunchtime. So I don't see her all day while I am at work, and when I come home after work and try to spend time with her I am crowding her. I am beginning to think that I am just a meal ticket for her until something better comes along. Does the last 13 years not account for anything? I guess I should start working through lunch or at least not going home for lunch. Of course then she will start saying I am ignoring her again. I don't think I will ever win. Maybe I need to get a good lawyer now.

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