Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Had a lovely morning so far. Had mandatory PT at the gym. No surprise there, we do it every Tuesday. It started raining so we had to stay inside and do wind sprints and suicides on the basketball court. My legs are so pumped up now they are starting to hurt. This afternoon I want to go play racquetball. It has been a few weeks since I actually played so it should be painful also.

Well last night was my wifes first night of college. She was nervous because it has been 9 years since she took a class. Before she left she was laying down on the bed trying to decide what to wear. I climbed up over her and hovered for a minute until she said she had to get up. I decided to wait until she actually touched me to move. It took her a few minutes until she finally started to, the she pulled away reall quick before she actually touched me. I figure that she doesn't want to touch me anymore. Oh well, she has made her decision, now I just have to decide if I am willing to have a platonic relationship with my wife or not. I wish my preacher hadn't just left for Oklahoma.

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