Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Yeah I just had a brain fart and caused a big oops at work. I put in a request to shut down a rack of servers so we could move some power to another circuit. I got word back shortly before the requested time that it was approved. I forgot to tell my many managers what we were doing and by the time they figured out something was going wrong, I had the servers back up and running. So I got my ass chewed for actually doing my job. The captain was upset because I was going to get him fired. Yeah right. If anyone is getting fored over this it is me. Please let them fire me!! I'll go pick up trash or something for a few months before they put me back in charge. Give me a vacation! The captain wasn't happy when I informed him that I had found it easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission! But hey, I had a good time! :)) Ha Ha!!

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