Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Feeling strange

Well its another day here. Last night wasn't a lot of fun, but at least we talked for awhile. She cried almost the whole time and kept asking "How come I keep messing up like this?" The only answer I gave her was that she knew how to fix it if she so desired. It seems bad of me, that when she was crying about how she had screwed up, I was almost happy. Maybe it was because I could see that she knew she was messing up. Would I keep her? Hell yes. How about in six months if she wants to come back? I can't honestly say. I would like to say yes again, but a lot of things can change. I intend to go talk to a chaplain today, but I have put it off this morning. I don't know why I am scared to talk to a chaplain, all they can do is help. Hopefully. I better go do something before I start to dwell on this again.

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