Monday, June 27, 2005


Well lunch was rather subdued at home. I went home and finally decided on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. There wasn't anything else. I guess I could of had a tuna sandwich but I didn't feel like burping it up for the rest of the day. My wife and I started discussing some details. From initial considerations we will probably remain married until one of us decides that they want to marry someone else and then file. That isn't to say that we will be living together, at least in the future. I told her that she should stay with me until she has a job, and finishes her AA degree. Then she said I would just get mad at her when she was halfway through with school and throw her out. I asked her if she really thought that I was the type of person that would do that. If she truly knew how much I love her she wouldn't even have said that. I'm a fucking doormat when it comes to her. Before I came back to work I asked her if "Booty Calls" were out. She didn't say yes, but more importantly, she didn't say no. She laughed too.

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