Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I don't really know what to type today. I started class last night, but since the AC wasn't working we didn't stay long at all. I got home early, my wife was outside on the swing. I noticed that she had the portable phone with her, but it wasn't in use. I figured she was outside reading her homework. A few minutes later I noticed that the phone was in use. So she must have called someone since it didn't ring. A little while later our daughter went outside where she was and I presume started bothering her while she was on the phone because she came inside. She came in the door, saw me, got a scared look in her eyes and went right back out without even acknowledging me. I heard her talking before that and she had asked whoever it was if they were at home. So she must have called someones cell phone number. I didn't ask who she was talking to, because I'm not sure I want to know the answer. Curiosity got the best of me after she came into the livingroom about 645 and announced that she was going to the beach. Our daughter wanted to go with her, but she flat out refused to take her. Of course my daughter cried about it when she had left. So I picked up the phone and hit redial and it was one of our daughters friends home phone number. I know my daughter didn't call her friend after my wife was done, so I figure she called them after she got off the phone to whoever she called on a cellphone. I figure she came in the house, saw me, got scared, then made plans to meet at 7. Now that this is starting to affect my daughter I am getting upset. I wish I didn't love her anymore.

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