Friday, July 08, 2005

Finally Friday

Its finally Friday. I wonder how early I can escape today. Think they would notice if I didn't come back after lunch? I would have to relaese all my folks though. At least the military ones.

The nephew got here last night. It was around 8:30 when he finally got here. I think my wife is going to go with him, while he hunts for an apartment. I think she probably has ulterior motives since she can't really go apartment hunting with our daughter unless she decides to finally tell her what is going on. I wish she would tell me what is actually going on. Sometimes she acts like she hates me and can't stand to be around me, then other times she acts like happy suzy homemaker.

On the way home from work yesterday, the radio station I listen to was talking about what a MILF was and then broke it down. My wife is a MILF. When I got home I asked her what station she was listening to and when she acknowledged that it was the same one I informed her that she was a MILF. I got a smile and a laugh from her about it at least.

I suppose I should go act like I am doing something worthwhile.

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