Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Last night sucked big time. I came home from work and my wife was on her cell phone in her work out clothes, starting dinner. She tells me, this needs to cook longer, and that is in the microwave, and the water is just starting for this, I'm going to the gym. Then leaves. WTF just happened? So I was hurt and angry to say the least. Unfortunately I took it out on my daughter. Just snapping at her and being generally grumpy. I have to apologize to her today at lunch. When my wife got home around 8 she went into the bedroom and started on her studying or homework or whatever it was. My daughter stunk because she had been outside playing, so I told her she needed to clean up. She ignored me because I went outside to the swing and moped around. About 8:30 I went in and she hadn't done anything so I went in the bedroom and told my wife that our daughter stunk and needed to clean up. She told me to tell her to go wash up. I told her that I already had and that she needed to do something. I went back out to the swing. At 9 I came in, my daughter did have her pj's on, but hadn't brushed her teeth or anything. I got her started on her brushing and went in the bedroom. My wife was in there texting on her cell phone. I told her that after our daughter was in bed I was going to bed also and that she needed to get out of the bedroom. She made a comment about that not being very nice. I said something to her to the effect that I was tired of going to bed at night knowing that the woman that I loved more than anything else did not love me, did not desire me, and did not want me. I almost said a few other things, but did manage to hold my tongue. I then walked out to our daughters room. My wife made another comment about how she knew I would get mad eventually, so I reminded her that I had already acknowledged that I would and apologized in advance for when it did happen. So we said prayers with our daughter and I went to bed. Sometime later my wife came in and got her pillow, then went to the spare room and slept there. I was so upset and mad last night that I forget to set up the coffee, or take out the trash. This morning I woke up alone and no coffee ready. Bummer. I said screw it and got ready for work. I opened the door to the spare room before I left and whispered to my wife that I was sorry for how I acted last night. On my way to work I stopped and got some coffee, then brooded over it at my desk. Finally about 10 after 8 I called home and she picked up on the first ring, so I know she moved back into the bedroom and went back to bed. So I told her that I was sorry for the way I acted and that I was hurt and upset, etc. She then tells me it doesn't matter. Maybe to her it doesn't matter, but to me it does. So I still feel like shit, because to her it just doesn't matter. My feelings just don't matter.

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