Friday, July 22, 2005

Happily Depressed

Well I'm happy that it is Friday, but I am depressed because I started thinking. Thats a bad thing to do, I don't recommend it. What I started thinking about was the fact that my wife was married before. This is her third marriage, but I am her second husband. What does that mean? That she loved her first husband enough to give him a second chance after divorcing him the first time. She remarried him, but it only lasted a few years. So, did she love him more than me? Did that turn her against giving men a second chance? Does she not truly love me? I feel so sad and pathetic today. I gotta give up thinking. All it does is depress me.

So last night when I got home from work, dinner was almost ready. It was a good dinner too, not some frozen dinner that had been heated up. So we talked a little at the dinner table, had a couple laughs, then I went to school. I did well enough on the test. I got a 90, which gave me an overall grade for the class of an A, so I won't be taking the final. Whoo hoo! When I got home she was ready to go to the gym, and left a few minutes later. I surfed the web for awhile and then got my daughter into the shower. As she was getting finished with cleaning up all her junk that she spreads out through the house all day, my wife came home from the gym. Surprised me, since it was only a few minutes after 9, and the gym doesn't close till 9. I didn't expect her home till closer to 9:30. So I get my daughter in bed, say her prayers and sing to her, then my wife came in to kiss her goodnight. I finished my chores and went in the bedroom and read. I have no idea when she came to bed. It is funny that now that I have almost zero physical contact with other human beings, that I crave it so much. All I really want is to hold my wife and to be held by her for a little while. Just some physical contact is all I want. How sad is that. I need to go. Make a nice day!

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